
laelene Post in general blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

Well, the library trip got canceled and I was instructed to stay at home, so I spent my Thursday mostly lying in bed but for the time I was downstairs eating some lunch.  Between Bubble Bang and Bejeweled, I passed away the time in a bit of a stupor.  I felt clammy and weak and pretty much just bummed around to try to recover.  I have been given Vitamin C pills to be taken twice daily and a bottle of cough syrup to be ingested thrice daily.  I am warned that the syrup may cause drowsiness – I wonder if that’s why I feel so lethargic.

Lying around all day certainly wasn’t good for my weak blood flow, so when I stood up at night to go eat a little dinner, I found myself getting lightheaded.  The world turned black as the blood rushed from my head and I got dizzy, but I was used to this feeling so I just stood very still waiting for it to pass.  Unfortunately, it seemed I was far more feeble then I anticipated, so the next thing I knew an image of the TED video I had just watched flashed before my mind and I was jolted back to consciousness with the loud clanging of my medicine bottles and iPod clattering to the ground.  My knees had given from under me and I was in a strange sort of kneeling/sitting position.

I quickly gathered up the things I had dropped and heard Chatty and Typea’s brother (I’ll call him Circle) asking each other if that noise came from them.  I made my way to the hall to apologize for the startle and then proceeded downstairs to eat something.  There’s an area on the back on my head that feels odd, kind of like there’s a pressure or weight on it.  My mind feels cloudy and though I can do everything without much fuss, I feel easily drained.  Nevertheless, my throat is not sore anymore (however I did get a few strange croaks when I was talking) and I have not had a fever, runny nose, or deep coughing.

I’d really like a jar of pickles.  I think I’ll buy some tonight on my way back.  (Yeah, I know, strange craving that may or may not have to do with how I feel… but hey, to me it’s comfort food, so that’s good enough!)

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