365great Day 209: new

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , ,

365great day 209: newThat fresh out of the box look of any product is quite satisfying. We have an obsession with new in many cultures and I’m certainly not immune. Still, there’s something wonderful about opening a box and taking out new items for the first time, treating them so gently in those initial encounters. Tonight I spent most of my time setting up my new laptop to keep everything I still want about how I did things on my old laptop while discarding some things I had accumulated without intending to. New is the perfect opportunity to transition to another phase, carrying over what you want to preserve and letting go of what you don’t want anymore. It’s a fresh start and a way to alter your course. That’s why I liked moving a lot as a kid, because each time I got a chance to rework my room and find some things I’d been missing. New is also a chance to discover what you haven’t encountered yet for a great learning experience.

New laptop time

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

I finally, finally pulled the trigger on my new laptop today. 🙂 I can’t believe I’ve been building up to this moment for two and a half years. It feels like five. Ever since pretty much day 1 of getting my current laptop, I’ve been annoyed by the loud noise it makes. I thought I could make do or make it better, but it never happened. So, thank goodness I can finally move on.

Awhile back, I decided I wanted an ASUS (and when I choose a brand, I pretty much always get the one I intended). My initial search this summer led me to crazy expensive ones because I convinced myself I should get one with a solid-state drive. After putting up with excessive noise for too long, all I want is quiet. As silent as possible. But after looking around and talking to various sales personnel, I decided to get a laptop with a normal hard drive and change it to SSD if I find the need to. Anything’s got to be better than my current situation though! This one has the main features I preferred: touchscreen, backlit keyboard, and 3 USB ports. The weight isn’t too bad, but I sure did hope for a super-light ultrabook.

Now excuse me while I go enjoy setting up my brand new ASUS!

collage of asus black laptop including box and packaging

It came with a microfiber cloth to wipe off fingerprints!

It came with a microfiber cloth to wipe off fingerprints!

black asus laptop open and turned on

Yay, my new toy!

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