Deal time! Panda recently notified me of a free offer from L’Occitane, where you can get a cute little tin with two small shea butter hand creams inside.When I found out about it on Friday, I wanted to go to the mall that very night! Luckily, when we went yesterday they were just getting started and we were actually the first to redeem the offer at that location. And here I was afraid they’d run out. 😛 It was so new that the cashier had to read through some instructions on how to handle the offer.
All you have to do it like/follow them, share the offer (I believe this is optional), and subscribe to their newsletter. If you’re not a VIP already, they’ll ask for your info at the store to sign up to be one. Pretty great deal for this set of products, good through next weekend. Hop on it now! #LOVELOCCITANE
Offer details:
-FREE collector’s hand cream tin with Rose and Vanilla hand creams (both 10 ml tubes)
-15% off select best seller items, including shea butter hand cream, foot cream, etc.
-redeem in store or online
- in store: no purchase necessary
- online: offer good with any purchase, plus spend $25 to get free shipping
-offer valid April 3-12, 2015 (while supplies last)