Today, all across the nation (and likely, the world), students are returning to the classroom. And I? I sent my dad off at the airport with my mom this morning and returned home to scan some documents. Just another day, just another chore. Now, for the first time in my life, I’mnot going back to school. It’s a strange sort of feeling to hear about all those who are going back to the old routine. After 16 years of that, what else am I to expect? Classes, breaks, homework, midterms, finals… it was all so familiar and now I’m in a whole new dimension, dealing with job searches, applications, cover letters, interviews, networking… sigh. It’s time to move on with my life, whether I’m ready to or not.
My parents and Panda have been on my case to apply for jobs, send out my resume, get something going. I know they’re right, but at the same time… it’s so hard to find the motivation to because I have such a specific image of what I want! Anything less is just not good enough and I’m afraid I’m being too picky. I’m sure there are a lot of options that I can settle for, but that’s the problem: I don’t want to settle. I want to find a job I’m passionate about, something I’ll look forward to doing every morning. Something I can do for the couple of years that I’d need to before business school.
Well, I guess I just need to hop on it, do my research and see what’s out there.