The past two nights I spent the back around UCLA, eating at Chili’s and hanging out for a friend’s birthday and then gathering with Orientation staff for a potluck.
This seems to me to be a good time of year to have your birthday – school is just starting up again and everyone is coming back refreshed from break. They’re just getting back into the groove and haven’t quite accumulated enough work to be too busy for you. My birthday has always been over winter break, sandwiched between Christmas and New Year’s, which can be nice because I never go to school on my birthday, but it’s also difficult to celebrate sometimes since everyone’s got their own holiday plans.
The potluck was great because, as the host kept marveling, people actually made food! Now isn’t that nice? Ah, we are a talented bunch. It was so nice to see those people again and be reminded of the fantastic summer we shared. 🙂 Originally Panda wasn’t going to come, but with some coaxing/guilt-tripping, he showed up and had a fabulous time too. With Orientation Counselors, you just can’t go wrong!