Every quarter, my fraternity (Alpha Kappa Psi), goes on a retreat. In the fall, I have no idea where we go since I believe I’ve actually missed those whenever they came up. In the winter, it’s up to Big Bear for a lovely tromp in the snow. Then in spring, it’s off to some beautiful beach house or someplace out in Palm Springs.
This winter’s retreat is my first as an alumna – no obligation to stay for whatever period of time or participate in whatever activities. Just me, my fraternity brothers, and making it whatever I want. And though there are treasured moments of bonding and fun, I find myself spending much time contemplating by myself and desperately trying to stay connected to the internet long enough to hold a decent conversation with my boyfriend. Ay. I didn’t even step out into the snow! Not that I was prepared at all, what with no thick clothes to speak of.
Maybe this whole adjusting to life outside of college thing isn’t as hard as I anticipated. It certainly would be nice to get that job though… I’ve been so used to earning income these past couple of years that I don’t even know what to do without it. My bank account is dwindling far too quickly for my comfort.