I lay around all night, thinking about what kind of perspective my blog can offer the world. Through hours of research in the past couple of days, I am slowly beginning to come up with an identity for myself. At first, I thought about writing career related stuff, especially for college students and fresh college grads. Then, I also wanted to incorporate a feminist point of view (and for me, that just means exploring how I view things being a female). After that I started thinking about my interest in marketing and entrepreneurism and perhaps providing tips in those areas, as I learn them. From there, I explored how my perspective is different as an Asian American and that is what I’m currently reading about. So, in an effort to merge all these interests, I could create a “female Asian American’s thoughts and experiences in the professional world” type blog.
Of course, I also have a myriad of interests outside of those areas, so I really am struggling to try to keep a certain focus. I adore traveling and immersing myself into other worlds, but I haven’t done that in a year, though I am about to leave for Singapore. I love cats (and pretty much all animals), but my last one just died on Christmas. I have an obsession for the military, especially the Marine Corps, but I don’t really get to interact with them anymore. I am also fascinated with relationships and reading about all aspects of that kind of advice. I find arts and crafts to be really cool, though I haven’t really had time to create anything lately (the last thing was my cross stitch). I am a huge fan of food and I even take pictures of any and every meal that is vaguely interesting or tasty-looking. Speaking of, I also take LOADS of pictures to document my life and those around me.
I think in the end I am just hoping that because everything I write about will be from my thoughts, there will be a theme or two that emerge from the way I write and what I choose to write about. Am I just trying too hard to find it right now?