It’s early in the morning and I have yet to sleep all night. This has been an ever-increasing problem with me in the past week. I’ve always been a night owl, but now I’m up until brunch time and then I end up sleeping through until dinner. If I have something to do during the day, I just take a nap before I have to go. It’s not enough sleep, but I get through the day and usually pass out in the evening. However, that sleep is never very restful and I end up waking up later that night, which just leads to another all-nighter.
I’m starting to get a headache from this, but there are so many things to occupy my time! Sometimes I get overwhelmed trying to do it all and next thing I know, the birds are chirping outside and the sun has come out to shine again (or, in today’s case, just light things up through the clouds). I have found so many blogs that may be worth following and now I just spent hours creating this website on Weebly.
My mom just got up to go to the local swap meet. She loves to take a walk around there and try to haggle a few deals here and there if it’s something she needs. In just two hours I should be driving down to UCLA to meet up with Panda and a friend for brunch. At least I haven’t been sleepy or tired while driving! That has only happened to me once in the past three or four years, as far as I can recall. (I got off at the next exit and pulled onto a small street to take a nap.)
Should I take a two-hour nap? Probably. I’m at the point where my eyes start to feel heavy and I can sense the bags developing. I also get ridiculously hungry at this time… grumble.