In developing this blog, I have spent a lot of time researching online and reading up on other people’s blogs. One thing I found was that what I was most interested in was reading their bios and trying to find a picture of them. For some reason I was fascinated by learning about these people.
Now most people go to blogs to read the posts and discuss the ideas held therein. I love to do that too, but I am also immensely interested in these writers as a face and a personality. Personal anecdotes make what they’re writing about so much more real to me.
When I first started blogging, I held nothing back – it was my personal journal for all to see. Then I decided to privatize my posts so that only friends could read it. With that veil, I could continue to write about the people in my life without concealing their identities, since they mostly knew each other anyway.
However, as I was getting back into the blogging scene in the early days of 2009, I wanted a public blog that anyone could stumble upon. I thought long and hard and decided I should create aliases for the people I would be talking about (and even kept myself behind a pen name) for privacy purposes.
With social networking, blogs, photo and video sharing sites becoming evermore popular, transparency has emerged as concern for us all to consider. It is much easier to find the true identities of people via these sites now, so it makes me wonder how transparent I should be on my blog. Should I use people’s real first names? Should I post pictures or videos of them up?
To some extent I am worried about the safety of this – am I endangering those around me by overexposing them on the internet? Or, should I just go with the flow of it (which, apparently, is towards complete transparency)? Though I believe in being honest and open, should I be so open? It doesn’t change the quality of my writing if I refer to someone by their real name or their pet name.
A blog I was reading recently dealt with the decision to be more transparent and it made me think about my own choice to use pseudonyms. Only recently did I even decide to reveal my own name in the “About” section. It’s a first step towards my personal transparency. However, for now, I still don’t feel right about revealing more about the people in my lives.
It’s a hard balance between sharing enough and sharing too much!