I’ve spent a lot of time in the past week fiddling around with sites of mine that allow personalization (including this one). It’s a tedious thing to do for a self-taught beginner like me, since I have almost no foundation knowledge in CSS and only know basic HTML. Yet, I still pounded away at it obsessively, working on getting just the right colors, font, layout, etc. It’s rewarding when things finally look a little more the way you would prefer!
I’ve finally settled on something that I am satisfied enough with. My main gripe with the layouts offered for this site was that they are all so narrow! It seems a lot of blogs are that way, taking up just barely over half the width of my screen. Perhaps this is because I have a wide screen, but I just didn’t like it. What’s the point in having all that extraneous space? Certainly no computer screen is that skinny! I was also thrilled to be able to upload my own image for the background in the banner up top. Most themes have a very generic image uploaded or just a solid color background, so it’s nice to personalize with one of my own photos. However, finding a decent image and cropping it to fit took me ages to get right.
So I am pleased enough with what I have now, which may not exactly reflect the title or content of my blog, but it is an extension of my Bruin pride. I’m hoping to eventually get my own domain name and get a professional to help me with a design. I just don’t have the artistic knack for creating something that fits a theme or color scheme. Look at how cool my best friend’s blog looks (and how well it fits the theme). She got a free makeover for her blog recently and it really does add to the feel of the site. You immediately get a sense for what she talks about in her entries (nobody would expect posts on makeup or shoe shopping, for instance). Additionally, it sets a tone – this is no boring site lacking any sort of flavor, but it’s also not a Valley Girl’s personal diary, complete with pink bubblegum images.
When you have a blog title like mine, which doesn’t exactly explain what kind of topics I’ll be writing about, a visual clue from the theme may help. A clean-cut look to the page, bright and easy on the eyes, with soothing colors and perhaps a photograph of college students or businesspeople. Now that would set things off on the right footing. Or, if you can create enough intrigue to draw readers in, perhaps they will read just to find out why you chose the title you did. I have this image of a black and white photo of someone (maybe even me) sitting at a little cafe, with a cup of tea and said “little fat notebook,” with pen poised over paper and pursed lips. A pensive shot. After all, most of the ideas I come up with for entries are recorded in that notebook and crossed off as I get to them.
For now, this is what I’ve got and it shall suffice. Learning these “web languages” is like learning any other language; you can only be proficient if you learn the general grammar or syntax, basic vocabulary terms, and keep practicing. Have you ever tried to teach yourself a foreign language? I did in middle school and that was a disaster. I think I came out knowing a few colors and numbers. So, if you truly want to learn how to use markup languages, pick up a manual and build a strong foundation. Currently I am only proficient enough to fiddle around with what other people have already created. I envy those who are so fluent in these languages that they can whip up a website in no time! They will be the ones earning my money in the years to come… unless I find the time to reteach myself, starting from the top.
To check out my other customization, go to laelene.tumblr.com!