I’ve found that the best source of creative ideas is personal experience. It is in my day-to-day life that I think to myself randomly, "Oh now there’s something good to explore and write about!" Immediately I jot it down on my "little fat notebook" amidst the growing list of topics to discuss. Just living life (and being curious) can be the greatest muse!
So many times there are great lessons that can be learned best only by experiencing them. Oftentimes the message doesn’t "hit you" until you’re there, doing it, feeling it, seeing it, living it. Plus, you can’t really speak full with authority on an issue unless you’ve been in the midst of it. Otherwise, you’re just reporting and relaying the message.
Stories from the heart also hold the deepest meaning and reach out to the audience like nothing else can. What is more poignant than someone talking passionately about the greatest love of their life or the lessons they have learned through personal strife? What do you believe more than a first-person account of how certain experiences feel? It really touches my heart to hear personal stories, from the good to the bad.
I was reminded of this when I was listening to Taylor Swift’s songs – many were written about specific people and experiences in her life. The same thing goes for a lot of artists out there and it made me wonder what they would write about if they didn’t have some drama or other eventful occurrences in their lives. Although it’s easier to think about what to write when you’ve been through so much, it’s also much harder because of the personal involvement. A little bit of abstraction could blur the lines between fact and fiction for the artist to make it easier to express, or they may choose to just bare their souls.
So the next time you’re in a creative rut, just go live your life! Have fun with your family and friends, go for a stroll around your town, or even meet a stranger and strike up a conversation. You never know what you may come across that will trigger that ‘ding, ding ding!’ in your head. It certainly helps me always have a dozen things to write about.