My dad just forwarded an e-mail talking about the boom in jobs in the green sector. That’s great but, umm, where are they?! I would love a job in some sort of environmental firm, especially if it’s a consultancy. But alas, the focus seems to mostly be on energy and more technical stuff, so maybe I really should look into starting up my own little thing. Unfortunately, I would really need a partner who has the scientific background or some sort of environmental degree. I’ve joked with Panda that I will start up a business with his brother, but hey, I’m totally up for that if it’s possible. However, I haven’t even met the guy, so that’s really just a fantasy. More realistically, I’ll be looking for a temp job to start giving me an income, then continuing my search for something a little more permanent as I try to build up a career.

One of my three darling kitties.
Today I looked into cat sitting jobs and considered applying to a pet services company. It’s not exactly my ticket to a high-profile job, but it certainly is my passion. I have a strong affinity for animals in general and felines in particular. What’s better than spending my days with them? I’d get a chance to move around the area, visit a bunch of cats, and occasionally stay over at people’s houses to watch the fellows. Doesn’t sound like a bad deal, but of course then comes the question: where’s the future in that? Even if I did run my own little business for that, I see it more as a side gig or something for retirement. It’s certainly not the type of job I’d like to make a career out of, but more of one I’d like to maintain long-term as a hobby. Short-term however, it’d be a great job to have as I try to find something with a bit more growth.
What I really want to get into is eco-consultancy, but where do I find such opportunities? I’ve searched online for quite awhile and came up with Sustainability Works in Santa Monica, which is a non-profit that helps local companies change their ways to become more eco-friendly. However, their focus is quite narrow and I’d like a company that services the greater Los Angeles area, so I’d get a chance to deal with people from a variety of cities in the area. It’s surprisingly hard to find a job that apparently is popping up left and right. Just gotta love how articles only talk about a trend without any sound evidence, with solid examples of companies hiring or something.

Tour themes were always a fun thing to plan.
I’m tempted to fall back on some old jobs just to earn some money (hopefully they’ve still got space for me!) in the time being. Sad how lack of money is such a motivator. 🙁 For the moment, I’m really interested in a job at UCLA. I remember seeing a friend leading some donors or other important people around campus for a tour and it seems that’s the closest I’ll get to being a tour guide for UCLA after graduation. Everything else is student-led, so I’m out of luck in my dreams of being a fabulous tour guide (unless I attend graduate school?). Well, we’ll see, I’ve been browsing the listings and there are some interesting ones!