I have spent the two weeks since I’ve been back looking for jobs purely at UCLA. I’m not interested in much else, unless a really great local eco-consulting opportunity comes up. I figure (as I always do) that if I don’t do it now, I won’t get a chance later. Once I get into an environmental career, since I’m not a researcher or professor, I won’t really get to work for my alma mater. So, now is the time, while the most important thing is just to get lots of good work experience for business school. It would help if it was on campus and environmental, which is why my top choice is any job with the Institute of the Environment. However, if it has nothing to do with the industry I want to get into later, it’s still useful as a learning experience and will help me have something to draw from when I pursue my MBA.
So, I’ve convinced myself that once I work for a few years and go off to graduate school, I will not be able to work for UCLA anymore. After all, the positions they offer wouldn’t really justify it and I should be focusing on truly building my career by then. That’s when I’d really need to know what local businesses are in the environmental arena (or maybe I’ll be ready for start my own thing by then). With that in mind, I am doggedly pursuing UCLA careers so I can fulfill one of my heart’s desires. I haven’t really been picky, considering all jobs that look about entry-level and don’t require a very technical skill that I know nothing about. From Housing to major departments to the Office of the Dean, I’m trying them all, though my hopes really are on that one with the Institute.
I’m also getting involved in some Young Alumni events, like the mixer I just went to, and next week there’s another similar event, as well as a Bruin sendoff in September, welcoming new Bruins who will be starting in the fall. I even donated a few dollars to the 5K Challenge, which is aiming to get 5000 young alum to donate at least $5 each. When that happens, a generous ’70 alumnus named Darryl Johnson will donate $10,000! Cool, huh? It’s a good way for him to get the young alum involved and feel good about themselves – after all, my $5 is helping to get UCLA $10,000 more. I’m an absolute sucker for all things Blue and Gold and I really, truly, believe I would bleed it if I could. 😛 But seriously, slap the UCLA logo on any decent-looking item and I’ll probably want it. One day I plan on having a room in the house Bruin-tized (oooh maybe I can even get a miniature of the Inverted Fountain!) and my school gear proudly displayed.

Just gotta go pick up my diploma now.
I’ve always been one for school spirit, buying lots of memorabilia for not only my college, but my high schools and even middle schools. I don’t think they sold stuff with my elementary schools’ names or logos, or else I probably would have gotten those too. I certainly was into the whole yearbook thing until I got to college. Since then, I’ve shown my commitment by working for four UCLA departments during my college career, living in on-campus housing for three years, and supporting the bazaars and sales on campus by buying quite a bit! In high school I got a class ring each for both of my high schools, but come college I felt that it was nicer to get a graduation package with a nice diploma frame, keepsake tassel, and t-shirt instead. I also joined the Alumni Association with a Lifetime Membership, for which I was given two license plate frames, two padfolios, a mug, and some other random small gifts.
I’m proud of the history of the school and the rich traditions we have, despite being so young. There’s really so many rewarding experiences that you can’t find elsewhere and I’m glad I chose to be a Bruin. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂 [insert 8-clap :-P]