A whimsical journey through the (fake) history of time, as told by donated items of jewelry in the Griffith Observatory.

13 billion years ago: the Big Bang, an explosion of astronomical effects!

11 billion years ago: why how curious, a sudden onslaught of sheriffs emerge to police the universe.

9 billion years ago: furry felines floated in space, guided by the moonlight.

7 billion years ago: Hey diddle diddle, the cat had a fiddle, the cow's jumping over the moon. There is no dog to laugh at the sport, nor no dish to run with the spoon (yet).

5 billion years ago: well how could we have been counting time until now, for time has only just appeared!

3 billion years ago: an explosion of colors, planets, and stars overtakes the expanding universe.

Present day: Earth was so beautiful a mere hundreds of thousands of years ago and now? The future's to be seen! (To the right and up, of course.)
Had some fun interpreting a few of the gems I found in the timeline compiled of so many shiny little astronomical depictions.