Today my dear friend Philosopher arrived from a looong trip over, from across the pond, as they would say. I encountered far more traffic than I anticipated going down and then spent 40 minutes driving in circles trying to see if he was out yet. I had neglected to tell him to wait outside for me and the poor fellow had to wait for me for an hour while I was stuck in traffic and driving around outside wondering if he had gotten his luggage! Thankfully, I finally figured it out and parked my car to go get him and that little round trip was expedient enough to render no parking fee! Brilliant.
I made a pit stop to Boston Market on the way back because I love their cornbread and chicken pot pie, but alas, they no longer have pot pies! Philo had wanted a salad that they were out of, so I got some cornbread and we headed back closer to Panda’s and ended up getting some CPK salads. I learned (too late) that the half size was not quite big enough for my appetite, so I had some of the wooonderful cornbread to supplement my meal. I think Boston Market’s cornbread is amazing – it’s soft with crunchy little bits of meal (or whatever grainy thing that is) and has a bit of sweetness to it.
When we got back, I was surprised with a box of Quality Street candies (between that and Celebrations, I could be dancing in heaven) and a bar of luscious chocolate, straight from England! Philo then went off to shower off the grime from the trip and refresh a bit before eating. We then had a lovely chat, with me sharing a lot of the things that have been interesting me in my life lately – like Google Wave, which I finally received my invitation for! After a few hours, it was getting late and he was getting tired, so we set up his little bed for the night.
I played around with Google Wave for a bit and now it’s time for me to retire as well – I’ve still got a busy day at Opportunity Green tomorrow!