Sometime last week I realized that I lost a pen that I really liked and since then I’ve been obsessed at finding it. It’s a silver and blue pen that looks quite sleek and pretty. The text says something along the lines of UCLA Alumni or something and I believe I got it at one of the alumni events I attended recently. Though the design isn’t anything too extraordinary, what I loved was the smoothness of the ink. It wrote like satin, gliding along the surface of paper, leaving a lovely blue trail of words.
Currently I’m stuck using a pen that often refuses to dispense ink and gets stuck when you try to click it in or out (so it always needs a bit of a extra boost). In comparison, the other pen was absolutely amazing and it’s a pity that I can’t locate it. I wonder if they’ll have them at the next alumni event, or even in the alumni center. I just might need to get a replacement so writing becomes a much more pleasurable experience. I suppose I could go over my extensive collection of pens that I’ve collected, but I just can’t forget about that pen and I’m fixated on finding it.
I’ve always had a bit of an office supply fetish.