I’m inching my way closer and closer to a potential job offer! After passing first-round interviews, I had a second interview and am now a finalist for the position I want so much. I said before it’s not exactly my dream job, but what I meant is it isn’t my complete life goal, but for a first job, it pretty much would be the ultimate job for me to attain. It not only allows me to stay close to my alma mater (one of my four stipulations), it would be a great way for me to jump-start a career in environmentalism.
I just sent out my official reference list, complete with a little blurb for each person to describe the (skill) areas they know me best in. Prior to that, I e-mailed my references to confirm their willingness to speak on behalf of my qualifications, work ethic, and performance (and perhaps my personality as well). I also did much of the work for them, coming up with some examples of what I did while working for them and reminding them of my strengths. I hope all goes well and that the hiring manager checks all the references to get the best all-around picture! I’ve also prompted my boss who’s meeting with two of the people on the interviewing team sometime this week. She agreed to help put in a good word for me, so I gave her a refresher course on what I’ve done.
Now I’ve pretty much taken every step I can to increase my attractiveness as a candidate. It seems there is not too much else I can do beyond waiting for this week to (hopefully) fly by! In the mean time, I will enjoy the last couple of days I have with Philosopher before he heads back to England.