So many chemicals. photo credit: stirwise on flickr
Awhile back there was a great offer going on, with a company giving coupons to get one of their products for free. Being the deal-lovers we are, Panda and I scrambled to sign up for our very own shares. This company makes a brand of shampoos and conditioners that I quite like to use, so I was thrilled to save the money on a product I buy consistently. I then happened to share the news with my manager when I was working at Opportunity Green one day and she said something that stuck with me: “Do you know how many chemicals are in their products?”
In fact, no, I didn’t, and I’d never thought about it before. I have looked at many natural beauty products, ranging from lip balm to make-up to skin care (and even nail polish), but I had not yet considered hair products. It amazed me that something so seemingly obvious had evaded my attention. I love the brand I use most often and it’ll take time for me to find a better alternative, but that comment got me thinking and re-evaluating. I guess there are just too many things to consider when it comes to all the products we are bombarded with every day. I’ve thought of an energy-efficient light bulb or computer, but not a camera or TV. Why? Just like with personal care products, some get noticed more than others, but really they should all be considered.
So now for a search for healthier shampoo…