Through the eyeglass

When a sentence changes your thoughts

So many chemicals. photo credit: stirwise on flickr
Awhile back there was a great offer going on, with a company giving coupons to get one of their products for free. Being the deal-lovers we are, Panda and I scrambled to sign up for our very own shares. This company makes a brand of shampoos and conditioners that I quite like to use, so I was thrilled to save the money on a product I buy consistently. I then happened to share the news with my manager when I was working at Opportunity Green one day and she said something that stuck with me: “Do you know how many chemicals are in their products?”
In fact, no, I didn’t, and I’d never thought about it before. I have looked at many natural beauty products, ranging from lip balm to make-up to skin care (and even nail polish), but I had not yet considered hair products. It amazed me that something so seemingly obvious had evaded my attention. I love the brand I use most often and it’ll take time for me to find a better alternative, but that comment got me thinking and re-evaluating. I guess there are just too many things to consider when it comes to all the products we are bombarded with every day. I’ve thought of an energy-efficient light bulb or computer, but not a camera or TV. Why? Just like with personal care products, some get noticed more than others, but really they should all be considered.
So now for a search for healthier shampoo…
I almost had a garage door open on me…

So for no good reason, the garage door started to open when I was holding the people door open, wedging it into the wall.

I managed to kick the door until it closed and the garage door began to open now that it was free to move again.
The final push
I’m inching my way closer and closer to a potential job offer! After passing first-round interviews, I had a second interview and am now a finalist for the position I want so much. I said before it’s not exactly my dream job, but what I meant is it isn’t my complete life goal, but for a first job, it pretty much would be the ultimate job for me to attain. It not only allows me to stay close to my alma mater (one of my four stipulations), it would be a great way for me to jump-start a career in environmentalism.
I just sent out my official reference list, complete with a little blurb for each person to describe the (skill) areas they know me best in. Prior to that, I e-mailed my references to confirm their willingness to speak on behalf of my qualifications, work ethic, and performance (and perhaps my personality as well). I also did much of the work for them, coming up with some examples of what I did while working for them and reminding them of my strengths. I hope all goes well and that the hiring manager checks all the references to get the best all-around picture! I’ve also prompted my boss who’s meeting with two of the people on the interviewing team sometime this week. She agreed to help put in a good word for me, so I gave her a refresher course on what I’ve done.
Now I’ve pretty much taken every step I can to increase my attractiveness as a candidate. It seems there is not too much else I can do beyond waiting for this week to (hopefully) fly by! In the mean time, I will enjoy the last couple of days I have with Philosopher before he heads back to England.
Organic bouquet …for a squirrel?
I’ve been attending a sustainability lecture series and one day in class, a speaker (Mud Baron), brought some organic flowers from his garden at North Hollywood (or was it Hollywood?) High. A couple of volunteers were tasked with making some nice bouquets as he spoke and at the end of it, the eager ones went up to claim a bouquet.
There was one stipulation, however: you must give it to someone else on the streets or wherever, after you leave the lecture hall! Then we were to take a picture of said “someone,” happily touting his/her new home decoration piece, and send it to Mud so he could post it on his Twitter feed.
I knew exactly who I wanted to give mine to, but along the way, I got distracted and nearly gave them off to this fellow…

Suddenly, this little guy runs up to me and stares longingly at my bouquet! Should I give it to him?

He got a whiff and decided against claiming himself some flowers. Oh well!
Alas, I guess they weren’t his type of plant, so I did end up giving it to the person I had in mind (a former roommate, who was having an art exhibit that night). It was certainly an amusing detour though. After all, Mud never specified our recipient had to be human!
An unfortunate beauty

I came home to find this. Can you see what's wrong?

Nooow you can see what the problem is.

It's kind of cool. Too bad it's absolutely damaged!

I didn't dare move the door itself, so I went around.

Whatever happened, that's the point of origin.
Blog Action Day 2009
Well, today is Blog Action Day and thousands of blogs are writing about climate change! When I get a chance, I’ll go check out what they’ve all written, but for myself, it’s all about what I can do as an individual. Certainly it’s not much on the grand scheme, but individual actions add up and I’m hoping that down the line I can start an eco-consulting firm to address this very issue and get people to change their behavior in positive ways. With enough people making enough effort, we can make a powerful impact. That’s my dream for the future.
As for now, I decided to explore the ways I’ve greened my life and what I can do to continue along that path. I’ve made a lot of small changes to my life over the years to get to this point and I plan on continuing steadily for the rest of my life. So some ways that I’ve already greened my life are…
- Oooh, I wouldn’t mind some cute ones like these! photo credit: blog.elfster.com
~ using reusable tote bags and saving all plastic bags I do get for other purposes
~ composting (I’d like to start a worm compost one day)
~ recycling (too bad so many things aren’t recyclable!)
~ unplugging everything when not in use
~ changing out light bulbs (some of the smaller ones are still traditional bulbs… are they going to make smaller energy-efficient bulbs?)
~ eating little red meat (I don’t eat much meat in general, especially beef)
~ printing only when absolutely necessary (which is hardly ever)
~ using a green service provider to power my website
- photo credit: Dan44 on flickr
In the next couple of months, I plan on implementing some new ways of improving my own sustainability. Some options may have to wait until I’ve settled a little more and know where I’ll be living for the next couple of years (namely, planting my own fruits and vegetables to eat). Each change is a step towards progress and by the time I’m 30, I hope I can proudly claim a sustainable lifestyle.
~ plant fruits/vegetables to eat
~ buy more locally
~ change shower heads
~ filter water – no more bottles! – and continue using reusable bottles
- Just me and my trusty board.
~ get a hybrid car (and try to drive less)
~ walk/bike/skate more (it’s good for your health, after all!)
~ phase out commercialized cleaning solutions for more old school ones (like using baking soda and vinegar, or those squash-looking loofahs)
~ buy an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly laptop
I’m sure there’s a lot more I can do, but this is a start! I’ll keep working on my list over the years as solutions are developed and I discover more ways that I can change my ways to leave a smaller carbon footprint in this world. I’ve begun to educate and influence those around me as well, and I intend on doing that in a greater scale further into my career! Someday I’d like to see everyone in my city living this way and a good portion of the country as well. I don’t know if I’ll live to see the world change like that, but that would certainly be amazing.
Tomorrow’s my interview, so I’m busy preparing! I’m pretty well prepared, but there are just so many questions that I could be asked there’s really no way to be sure. However, as long as I keep sight of how I qualify (and would be the best candidate), I’m sure I can answer well. I just need to make sure to set myself apart from the rest, either by being more thoughtful about the position or be more eager and ready to go. I hope that I don’t blend in with the rest of the applicants!
In light of that, I am off to rest so I can be well-rested for my interview.
Pretty Woman

I was testing out my tree-climbing skills...

Am I a good koala bear? Check out the girls in the back... such a boring shot.

Don't make me go there yet! Let me do my interview first, please. photo credit: sanfernandovalleylawyers.com
Today I got an e-mail that had me bouncing off the walls: an invitation to schedule an interview for a job I really want! It was thrilling to see it sitting there in my inbox, waiting patiently for me to open it and arrange to meet with the hiring manager for the position. I eagerly replied with a preferred time and she confirmed not long after. Suddenly, I remembered that I’m on call for jury duty this week! Frantically, I began to compose an e-mail back, bringing up the topic. I came up with as many alternatives as I could and sent it back, hoping she can be flexible with her time. Now I’m waiting here and haven’t received a response, so I anticipate she has gone to bed and I won’t know until tomorrow.
In the mean time, I’m reviewing the application information and compiling a list of my qualifications for each of their requirements. I’ll go over their website, my cover letter, and interview advice articles over the next two days as I prepare for this all-important interview. I e-mailed my parents, happily sharing the news with them and called up my mom when she was free to talk. Tomorrow I’ll be chatting with my dad, discussing possible questions I should be ready for and anything else his wisdom has to offer. After all, he’s often been in both the hiring and applying positions and can impart a lot of useful knowledge and insight.

LEED certified! Who wouldn't want to work in a building so green? photo credit: smithgroup.com
I’m also going to e-mail a former boss, who I just went to visit days ago, and see what she has to say. It’ll be nice to share the good news with her, after I gushed about the position and how much I wanted it. Besides, she works for UCLA, so maybe she’ll have some pertinent pointers to share with me. Now let’s hope I can make it to the final step and get hired! I’d be absolutely elated because this job fulfills the requirements I had outlined before. Though I said it’s not exactly my dream job (which would to be an eco-consultant, I think), it is my favorite candidate for being my first career job.
When I was talking to my mom, I was concerned that they weren’t interviewing on Friday because they were going to choose then and then rush someone into the position by Monday. That would make things difficult if I had jury duty and the manager couldn’t stay after work to interview me. My mom assured me that no company would ever be so crazy-rushed to hire someone in such a short time frame, so there must be leeway for me to interview at a later time if I must. If I get called in to serve my civic duties on Thursday, I certainly hope she’s right. I would love to get this position!
Gosh I’m nervous. I haven’t wanted something so much since Panda.