About a year and a half ago, when I was living my final year on campus, I had a spectacular roommate who was an amazing musician (among many other things). I had written a little post-it to myself that I stuck on my desk and one of our friends came in and read it: “I fiddle.” Somehow, from there, Ms. Mariachi got the impression that there was a new product on the market called an iFiddle (must be her musical background). The friend and I then proceeded to tell her this story:
Apple is coming out with a new product modeled after a real fiddle, which you can hold just like one, but instead of having strings, it has sensors that recognize when your bow and fingers are on it. It can then play notes just like you would normally, but the great thing is you can connect your iFiddle to your computer and play background music to accompany your notes, or choose to have them transcribed into a composition as you play! They’re coming out with a whole line of other instruments you can play with it as well, so you can get really creative with the pieces you compose. You can also hook it up to your iPod to play back pieces you were working on, or use a song you have on there as the accompaniment for your work. Then through iTunes, you can edit your compositions and share them as new songs…
We had this whole elaborate story going, both of us building off the other’s inventive descriptions until we got to a point where we just couldn’t contain ourselves anymore. We burst into hysterical laughter that Mariachi had completely fallen for our ruse, which was neither planned nor rehearsed. In fact, it was completely spontaneous and neither of us had a clue as to where it was going as we spoke! That’s the beauty of improv! And all the better that she believed us through and through, and was excited that such a product was coming out. Just gotta love the random moments you have with your friends. I just wish I could remember more of the fabulous details we were able to think up on the fly so that you could truly appreciate our brilliance that night. 😉