Lately I’ve been wearing a pair of white-frame sunglasses that I got at the LA County Fair. They’re modeled to resemble Ray Bans (I think that’s what they’re called) and because of their shape, they fit my face easily. I often run into trouble finding sunglasses that fit my head because I tend to have a wider distance between temples. Most sunglasses hug my eyes and leave red marks on my cheeks after wearing them for awhile. I usually end up with a headache too.
It’s a fortunate thing that I bought this pair, because I’ve been using it consistently ever since. It seems the more you wear shades, the more you need them. Is it just my imagination or have my eyes really gotten more sensitive to sunlight? Whatever the case, psychologically at least, I need sunglasses on a bright day. I actually just got these on a whim at the fair because I thought that the white frames were outrageous enough to be silly, yet mainstream enough to not get stares. I’m always on the lookout for a snug pair that will fit my face and I suppose now I understand why the real Ray Bans are so expensive.
Well, using and abusing the white pair so much, I found one day that I didn’t know which bag I had it buried in. My purses become black holes, so it was hopeless to find the things without dumping out the entire contents of my bags. Unfortunately, I was on a time crunch, so I grabbed the first pair I could find – a brown pair I’d bought a long time ago. I think I got them at my favorite (and now non-existent) shop in Westwood, Good Choice Gifts. I do remember I had gotten the matching black pair because I couldn’t decide (as usually is the case). I’ve since misplaced the black version.

Look at how happy I am!
I ran off, sunglasses in tow and put them on just before driving the car out of the garage. And suddenly, bam. The world looked beautiful, happy, better. After so long wearing my black shades, I had forgotten the miracle a little brown shading can do for your eyes. Forget rose-colored glasses! Brown is most cheerful color of all.
If you’ve never owned a pair of brown sunglasses, I highly recommend them! I’d say lighter shades of brown are better, giving just enough tint to the world without darkening it too much. Filtering everything through this new lens on life makes greens greener, blues bluer, and everything richer! I swear the sky has never looked so appealing than when I saw it through these sunglasses.
And hey, if the world looks happier to you, you’ll probably end up being happier too! 🙂