I saw David Copperfield with my parents on Christmas Eve and though the show was good, it was not magical to me. Perhaps it is because I have come to an age where I understand some of the logic behind the tricks he does or perhaps it was because I found him to be rather arrogant, cuing us to applaud every little thing he did. Ultimately, he isn’t a magician, so I suppose I shouldn’t expect a magical experience. After all, he’s an illusionist and that part he did quite well, playing with our minds so that it was hard to fathom just how he pulled off his stunts.
I was also very distracted by his odd sense of humor and all-too-confident demeanor. I went looking for cool tricks that I just couldn’t explain, but he tried to mix in too much comedy for my taste. Certain things also appeared too staged, like the husband who slapped his wife’s butt when they were on stage because her knit dress was showing her undergarments. When David asked if anyone had any questions, it was way too obvious that the guy shouting, “Do it again! Do it slower!” was part of the show. It didn’t help that those aren’t even questions.
Nevertheless, there were some entertaining moments and he certainly is skilled at his crazy illusions. The night ended on a high note when my dad was one of the audience members who go to go on stage and be vanished into thin air. He eagerly went up and when the show was over, came out laughing heartily after having been a part of the show. That was definitely worth it and we got an autographed picture for his troubles. So in the end, it turned out to be a fun time, but I do believe we could have used a little more disbelief to enjoy it more.