I realized that I don’t speak much of Panda except mentioning him here and there. But in terms of our relationship, I haven’t delved much into it. I thought I’d write more about how our relationship developed, but it’s one of those things that’s nice to just do and not have to reflect on. So, to meet my expectation in setting up this blog that I would at least cover our relationship somewhat, here are some thoughts…
It’s been a year and a half since we met and things have changed tremendously. We managed to make things work around busy schedules and even a couple of months apart. I was a little nervous coming back from Singapore, wondering how things might have changed after so long of only interacting virtually. Thankfully, we quickly eased back into each other’s lives and had a painless transition. He taught me to use coupons and pay attention to the price of food I buy and I taught him that life should just be enjoyed sometimes. We’ve built a rhythm and style of interaction that only we share, with plenty of inside jokes to be remembered. We’ve shared laughs and cries and hugs and kisses and plenty of food as well.
It’s hard to imagine a life without him and I certainly don’t plan on it. I can tell him every little thing and I often admire just how cute he is. He’s got the gentlest soul and so much heart that it touches me deeply. He’s done a lot of behind the scenes things to take care of me and is usually cleaning up after me. I’m not a very neat person. I am organized in my own messy way. We’ve learned to compromise on some things, change for others, and still many have to be worked out. We developed a pattern for many of the things we do and we’ve created so many memories already. We’ve made a variety of loose plans for the future, both for ourselves and for us as a couple.
Of course, things are not perfect and he hasn’t had much experience with what high maintenance a girl’s emotions can be. The way I interpret things is not something he can think of naturally, so it’s a challenge. I have high standards and I let him know exactly when I am not pleased with him. He always cares so much and wants to do right by me, but often just doesn’t know how. I have been extremely demanding at times, not giving him a break. But the good thing is, we almost always want to talk it out and don’t just stop speaking to each other. And with a lot of back and forth, I think we both learn a lot in the process.
So all in all it’s been a great ride and I’m excited for the years ahead. And now that I’ve covered the relationship, I probably won’t really talk about it again. It’s probably the only thing that I like to keep private. 🙂