Hello! I hope that you were redirected here from one of my social media accounts and that you’re interested in helping me WIN a job interview with Vidli. (They’re giving interviews to the top 5 candidates!) Here’s what to do:
1. Go here: http://bit.ly/5YDsVK and http://bit.ly/5MAMGM
2. Vote for Vidli on both (I get 3 points)
3. E-mail jobs@vidli.com with the subject line “Mary Qin asked me to vote for Vidli – so I did. Long Live Boobies!” (And CC me, mary@maryqin.com or just leave a comment and let me know you did, so I know who to give eternal thanks to!) If you voted for both, no harm mentioning it in the body. If you only go for one, do the Keiretsu Forum Angel Competition (first link).
4. Then, go sign up here: http://vidli.com/SE150BW (I get 1 point for that)
You will have earned me 4 points for doing all that! Contest ends the moment the clock strikes twelve and Dec. 31st becomes Jan. 1st, so please act now! 🙂 THANK YOU!
By the way, their avatar/mascot is a Blue-footed Booby, hence the ‘Long Live Boobies’ in the subject line.
UPDATE: As of December 29th, I am #5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help keep me there (or get me higher) and recruit everyone you can please! 😀

December 30, 2009 12:50 pm
Rockstar – you’ll take home the prize – they would be a foolish company not to hire you.
December 30, 2009 11:39 pm
Thanks so much for your support, Karen! 🙂 I’m really excited!