A new year, a new decade. I haven’t thought much about resolutions, but here are some things I’ve been working on:
~getting a job. This is definitely the year I get one. Let’s just hope it’s sooner rather than later. I’ve definitely got a great lead right now! I’m pretty confident that I won one of the 5 interviews that Vidli is giving out for their Social Media Expert. Here was my blog entry about it. The competition is now closed and results are coming out today or tomorrow!
~electronically organize my life with Evernote, reQall, Dropbox, Skydrive, Live Mesh, or something along those lines… I just started using Evernote after getting it in October and I want to make a habit of uploading things so I can access information from anywhere with the internet. I’ve been using reQall to help me remember things. Too bad I’d have to pay to link the two accounts. I’m still trying to figure out what to use for what between Dropbox, Skydrive, Live Mesh, and others similar to them.
~start giving out my Google Voice number exclusively. This way it doesn’t matter what my number changes to in the future, people can always find me.
~use my mary@maryqin.com e-mail as the primary contact. I’ve been reluctant to in case I stop using my website, but I’ll probably always keep it and just use it for different reasons over the years. Plus if I use that e-mail, it will be an added incentive to keep my site going.
~begin sprinkling in some video blogging. I’ve done pure text blogging, then posts with pictures, and added in photo blogging. Now it’s time for the next stage with some video, whether of me talking, something interested I filmed, or (in the way future) something I edited together.
This will also be the year that I figure out what my life will be like more or less for the next couple of years. As soon as I get that job, I want to start creating a routine. Figure out when and where I can work out. Look into a physical therapist, chiropractor, or masseuse to help with my weak back. Go visit the dentist after way too long! Think about my next step in education – maybe take some online or night classes in the years leading up to that MBA. Save up for emergencies, future investments, and other such important items. Find a routine that fits Panda in frequently (which will of course change as soon as he starts working!). And then I’ll know how I can work my social life around that. 🙂
It’s a year of big change and I’ve been more than ready for awhile now. So here’s to 2010!

January 2, 2010 11:58 am
Google Voice is an awesome tool.
January 2, 2010 1:25 pm
I’m thinking I should start doing vlogs as well. Good luck on your social media job search. That sounds awesome!