For no good reason, my hip started hurting today sometime after lunch. I can’t think of a single thing that could have triggered it, since I was sitting the whole time. Yet, it has made me hobble around and weakened my core enough to make lifting my leg or bending at the hip a difficult chore. I even had to take a painkiller for it, which I rarely do. I’ve probably had no more than two dozen of those pills in my lifetime. I’m also sick from not staying warm enough last night, so I figured it could serve a double purpose.
In the mean time, I’m not moving much (or doing so slowly), watching the Olympics, and sipping hot water as I rest. Oh, and I had slept the wrong way two nights ago, giving me a sore neck that I couldn’t quite turn to the right. Days before that, my knees felt bruised. What’s going on with my body? So many pains, big and small. Perhaps it’s time to visit a doctor again, make sure everything is functioning reasonably and no underlying issue is giving me aches.