FOX studio

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , ,

I never knew that FOX had a lot right off Pico until the HOME screening was held there! Check out their lot – there’s always something so staged and fake about these places (in a wonderful Disneyland sort of way).

a huge painting of a scene from the Sound of Music adorns the side of a parking structure

Who knew that Sound of Music was produced by FOX?! This painting decorated the side of the parking structure and greeted us as we parked.

a FOX studio transportation vehicle

I saw a few G&E trucks along the way, which made me nostalgic for my Wristcutters* days.

stage 8 at FOX studios

I wonder if any shows I know are filmed here.

palm trees lined up and lit up in the night

They were glowing so beautifully I had to pull over and take a picture before exiting the lot.

*My very first internship was with a production company that made Wristcutters: A Love Story (see my IMDB page). It was crazy hectic and an unforgettable experience.

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