One of the newest trends in eco-friendly products are these fun cards made from recycled paper pressed with seeds. I’d assume they’re printed with vegetable-based inks. So you get it, read it, enjoy it, then plant it! Cool, huh? There are a variety of wildflower seeds embedded into the sheets, so you never know what you’ll get. It’s a nice way of disposing of paper products, letting them biodegrade as they give life to plants.
My favorite gas station is the BP Helios House on Robertson & Olympic in Beverly Hills. Why? Because it’s futuristic and as eco-friendly as a gas station could really be. A bit of a conundrum, I guess, but it fascinates me with its energy-efficient lighting and environmental tips. One of the things they have is a panel of postcards, each with a tip for greening your life. When I was there not long after its opening, I grabbed a few of these. Years later, I am finally putting them to use.
I’ve begun the planting process for one of the cards, so I thought I’d do some research on how to take care of them and get them to grow. As I was doing that, I came across these pictures that got me excited for when the seeds blossom! I’m also going to try soaking a sheet just in water until it sprouts. Hope that works… good thing I have eight sheets to play around with.

A forest of sprouts! (Photograph used by permission from Botanical PaperWorks Inc.
The hard thing is that my office is so shaded from sunlight that I can’t keep them indoors, yet it’s been very windy outside and there aren’t really any places to put it. I tried keeping it out by the plants today, but the wind kept drying it out. I brought it inside at the end of day and hopefully tomorrow will be a milder day. Unfortunately, rain is in the forecast this week, so we’ll see how that pans out. I’ll post a photo blog on it in a few weeks to show the progress!

February 14, 2011 10:29 am
Great post!
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Photograph used by permission from Botanical PaperWorks Inc.
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