Earthquake tunnel

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approaching the "earthquake tunnel," where the 405 meets the 5

Not a high-traffic day, so there wasn't any honking, but here's the unassuming tunnel.

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard, but in Los Angeles, there is an “earthquake tunnel” that locals like to use as a good luck charm against earthquakes.  It’s a tradition that I learned of soon after arriving here and I have no recollection of how I heard of it or who told me, but I observe all the time when I am there.  What am I talking about?  Well, where the 405 North ends and merges into the 5 freeway, there is a tunnel that people drive under.  When you are under it during rush hour (or any other time traffic is slow), you will find a good third of the cars will honk their horns incessantly until they are out.

driving through the "earthquake tunnel" at night

I usually am under this thing at night. It's great when big rigs join in the honking too.

It’s one of those fun, somewhat underground (haha no pun intended) traditions that is still alive and well.  I guess it’s a superstitious act, since honking your horn is supposed to prevent earthquakes from hitting us too hard.  It seems to be working, since that big one is way overdue and still not coming…  Anyway, whenever I’m stuck in that tunnel during traffic hours, there’s always a car or two honking its way through.  I’ve only joined in once, but it puts a small smile to my face as those people enjoy their freedom to honk as they please.  After all, I realized not long ago that I don’t even know what my car horn sounds like.  I don’t exactly have a situation where I can test it without drawing attention.

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