I love to watch 20/20 and 60 Minutes, which until today, I didn’t know how to describe. So I looked it up and thanks to Wikipedia, I now know that they are referred to as TV news magazines. They’re in-depth enough to provide good background on a story, but don’t cover every little thing going on in the world. Perfect for when I want to hear about some of the interesting things going on in the world. Unfortunately, there aren’t many of them (the Wikipedia article says they lost popularity to reality shows – what a pity), so after only a few hours, I’m left with wanting more.
To try to compensate, I’ve taken up shows like Dateline and 48 Hours, which pretty much only cover murder cases. It’s starting to get tedious as I hear about death after death… what happened to things like profiling notable people or digging into recently significant events? And since it’s news I crave, TED.com just doesn’t cut it either, with more of thoughts and looks into the future. What am I to do when there aren’t enough Barbara Walters out there? 🙁 I wish I had the patience for other types of video media, but all I want to do is watch my two favorite shows – 20/20 and 60 Minutes.