It was open farm day at the Chivas farm this weekend! Panda and I went to check out their farm and the soaps and other skin products they make from goat’s milk. Check out their line of products!

We entered the gate to find this piggy eyeing us suspiciously.

Then there was this horse waiting for some attention.

Then on to the highlight of the trip - the goats!

This friendly one came up to say "hi."

How cute!!!

All I could think was Billy Goat Gruff.

I enjoyed petting the goats.

Check out these elaborate chickens.

They even had tortoises!

Some girl tried to feed this one, but only managed to scare it into hiding.

On our way out, we came across the shy and antisocial pig again, this time hiding from kids.

I ended up getting a facial creme (perfect timing since I just ran out of the one I was using) and a clear complexion soap (hope it can help my acne!).
They also had some fabulous food there, as well as mini massages, facials, and yoga lessons. I wish I had taken more pictures!