I’m far too tired to churn out a more cohesive piece tonight, so just some thoughts about recent developments.
I like it when I get in the zone at work and the day flies by. Things are picking up now and this week went by very quickly for me. I can’t believe Friday snuck up on me like that! I guess it helped that we had our holiday party last night, which kind of made it feel like a mini weekend. Unfortunately, it meant a lot of driving for me and I’m still exhausted from not getting enough rest. I also had an event today, but tomorrow I’m home free!
I am really happy that the gears are churning up to a faster speed again – I could only do so much working a one-woman team of me, myself, and I. And just in time for me to feel good about the work I do prior to the longest break I’ll get this year! 🙂 This is my first official winter break from work and I’m taking a week and a half off to cruise with my parents and hang out with Panda to celebrate another birthday, another new year.
I’m definitely looking forward to what 2011 will bring our company. We’ve been getting a lot more people in the office, which might also be part of what’s making me feel more productive. There’s just more activity all around! And it certainly helps to have a manager around to answer all the questions I have. I no longer have to operate as my own little island. I enjoy company!