Ready for business!

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: ,

I received my Square (read more here)! Now if only I had something to sell so I could use it. I’ve swiped my own cards a few times just to get a feel for it (it makes a satisfying click as the card exits the swiper) but it’d be awesome to make a real transaction and generate a receipt and everything. Nevertheless, this is so awesome! I’ll be carrying this around in my purse in case a transaction need ever arises. 🙂

paper with "welcome to square" printed on it and square device attached

square device on paper with instructions for setup

sticker decal with square logo and text "pay with square" to place in view of customers

A decal so people know you accept credit card payments with Square!

square device plugged into iphone with square app running

All plugged in and ready to go!

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