That was the image I created in my mind to help me remember three topics to write about – being pregnant, the police, and shoes (or more accurately, shoe boxes). Yeah, when you come up with such ridiculous imagery like that, it’s much easier to remember what you were trying to remind yourself when you were driving home. I seem to have this uncanny ability to forget all the things I told myself not to forget in the car. The moment I get out and into the house, my mind is elsewhere.
I’m thinking of getting the mail. I’m thinking of what to eat for dinner. I’m thinking of things to do when I get online. I’m certainly not thinking about what I was just 10 minutes before! And unfortunately for me, I tend to have quite the collection of brainstorms when I’m driving. Gotta keep my mind occupied, right? So I think of random interesting things and usually those become potential blog entries that I try to remember to write. But, many don’t get written because as soon as I turn off the car, I’ve got a million other things to consider. And out go all those ideas from the drive!
So one time, I decided to use the power of visual memory and put the three things I was trying to remember into one cohesive image. The items I wanted to write about were 1. how I never want to be “that” pregnant, 2. my fascination with law enforcement, and 3. how Scions look like shoe boxes to me. What do you think of my image? I was having trouble putting the shoe box into the picture, so I went for shoes (and the goofiest kind I could think of). Perhaps I should have thought of a pregnant police officer driving a Scion, but that just didn’t seem silly enough for me to remember. And hey, it worked! As you can see from the posts I linked to, I wrote about each of those topics. 🙂
Powerful imagery. Try it sometime!