Once a year, around this time, my family gets together for the holidays. You’d think it’d be easier since it’s just my parents and I, but we’ve got lives on various parts of the globe now. Very reliably though, we go on a family vacation together for the holiday season. Last year it was Vegas. The year before was Cancun. This year? It’s time for the Bahamas!
For our second cruise ever, we will go from Miami to Nassau to Great Stirrup Cay and back again. Pretty exciting and I just can’t wait to play around in the ocean. I’m thinking of going on a snorkeling adventure with some sting rays (they are one of my favorite sea creatures!) and just enjoying the beautiful waters out there. Hopefully the weather will be agreeable and allow us to enjoy everything the islands have to offer. 🙂
It’s really nice to get together with my parents now. We’ve moved past the stage when I was a rebellious teen, always butting heads with them. I’m still stubborn, but my life is really in my control now and it’s great to have the freedom to make my own choices and share my life with my parents. Plus, there’s a lot more to talk about when you don’t see each other for extended periods of time. This year in particular I’m really excited because I’m finally moving out on my own with my first lease! I always subletted before, so it’s kind of cool to have ownership of a lease and know that half of that apartment is mine. It doesn’t hurt that is has awesome amenities and perks and is super close to work too!
When we get back from our little vacation break, I’ll spend a day with Panda for my birthday and then it’ll be time to get ready to move! I’m glad my parents will be around to share the experience with me, see the new place, meet the new roommate, and help me get all settled. I’m looking forward to the end of this year and the beginning of next. So many good things to come!