Sore or pain?

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acu hoop workout hula hoopI spent 40 minutes last night using my Acu hoop and boy am I sore!  Actually, it’s borderline sore/in pain, I can’t really tell… there are definitely times that my sides get touched and it hurts, but it’s not constantly there and most of the time I forget it hurts.  I shouldn’t have gone so vigorously or so long after not using it for quite awhile now.  Next time I will go for an easier pace until I can build up to something more.

I have a 3-lb one that looks just like the image, except mine came pre-installed and wrapped in a sturdy plastic cover that I never took off.  I figured it made it easier to clean and less likely to wiggle loose or something.  I think that weight is just enough to be challenging without being overwhelming and I’m glad I settled on that (you can get one anywhere from 1 to 6 lbs in weight).

The great thing about this is that you can read a book, watch TV, listen to music, or many other things with your hands and eyes while you do this.  Talk about getting a workout while multitasking!  Plus, it doesn’t work quite the same as a standard hula hoop you’d have for fun.  While those are hard to get going and keep up, this one has enough momentum that makes it easier to manage.  Just about everyone I’ve read reviews from said they can’t hula hoop for their life, but they can Acu hoop like a pro!  It really is very different when it’s weighted.  Just try weighting a normal hula hoop and you’ll see how much easier it is.


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(Or so they try… these seahorses don’t quite blend in as well as some other creatures can.)

seaweed seahorse from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Quirky earbud wrap

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I mentioned awhile back a site called Quirky, where people invent fun and cool items that they wish existed.  Well, I ordered a few items and here’s one of them:

wrap for earbuds designed on

back of earbud wrap shows the inventor and explains the use of the product

As invented by the combined ideas of Matthew Fleming and 352 other people.

Target shopping

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This weekend Panda and I spent some time browsing Target stores and I got quite the steal with two jackets for $5 and $4 each!  The original prices are something like $20-25, so I’m very pleased.  One is a plain black zip-up hoodie with these amazing embellished straps – you know the ones that you tighten the hood with – which are a silky satin kind of look.  The tips are even a nice metal piece rather than the cheap plastic ones you’d find normally.  The quality of the cloth is great and it feels really good, plus it is very warm!  The other is a fleece half-zip in my favorite color: purple!  It’s a little large for me, but I don’t mind having some outerwear be a bit loose on me.  And really, for less than $4, how could I pass it up?

I also bought myself a yoga mat so I won’t be the only one without one in class (and coincidentally, they went on sale this week).  After much back and forth between the 3mm and 5mm ones, I decided to splurge just a bit and go for the thicker one I’d been eying.  I mean, it was on sale and Panda had earned a $10 gift card he put towards it, so really it was costing me less than half the original price.  It also happened to be in purple, so that was perfect.  I did need to get it pretty soon so I wouldn’t have to borrow the instructor’s mat all the time.  It was really fortunate that I waited those extra couple of days and caught it on sale.  🙂

Then, today we found a jacket with a fuzzy inside lining, which I’ve been looking for for awhile.  I think it’s a men’s, but with jackets like that I don’t think you can really tell and it doesn’t matter too much.  I like that the outside is a fleece material – that seems to be my newest obsession.  Panda had gotten one of these a few weeks ago and I’d scoured the women’s section looking for one for myself, but they just don’t seem to have them anymore.  The one today happened to be small enough to fit just right, plus it was a clearance item, so I decided to get it and check that item off my list.

Now I feel very well-equipped for cool nights and the chilly days at the office, when I’m sitting at my desk all day freezing.  There was one more jacket I saw today that I really wanted – a white polar fleece zip-up, but it wasn’t so cheap that I just had to get it.  However, I do want to keep checking on the price of it over the next couple of days/weeks so I can grab it when it gets to a low enough price.  Panda has started to teach me and share with me the way that he shops: lots of browsing and finding awesome deals before buying!  It feels really rewarding when you get something for a unbelievably low price, so for things I can wait on, I definitely want to wait for them to go on sale or into clearance.

Homecoming VHS style

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I’m not sure if you can see or hear, but this was a view of the VHS homecoming festivities from my backyard. Since I graduated, they’ve gotten themselves a whole slew of upgrades, including a non-dirt track, football field, and a huge spotlight to shine around town when a game is on! The cheering could be heard faintly from all the way across the valley between us.

spotlight from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Castaway brunch

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Today Panda and I went to a birthday brunch for a friend up at Castaway Restaurant in Burbank. It was fun times with good friends!

Click to see full images.

The curious properties of time

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It has been a busy two weeks for me, with plenty to do as we make some changes in the company.  I’ve found that the holiday break right before it feels such a distant memory because of all that has occupied my time since.  Time seems to be going by slowly as I plow away, yet it seems to go by faster than I realize.  I was so out of it I thought it was Tuesday for a brief time today.  It’s really strange how time can be so fast and so slow at the same time.

At times while working, I’d look at the time and be surprised that it wasn’t later in the day.  It was a good thing, because it meant things weren’t taking as long as I felt they were, but it was also very tiring.  At the same time, looking back on the past few hours, it was hard to remember what I had been doing.  I’ve just been working working working on so much stuff that it all started to blend in to each other.  Had I already looked at this?  Did I already edit that?  Thank goodness for my spreadsheet, or else everything would have taken twice as long as I forgot if I had done it yet or not.

Somehow looking back on this week, I can’t quite discern that there were five days.  In fact, it’s almost incomprehensible at this point that that many days went by when it only felt like two or three.  It’s nice that the week is over, but there’s still quite a bit of work to be done!  I did finish the most important set of tasks and that’s a relief.  However, I do still have a report to compile, which I didn’t have time to do last week either.  Yikes!

I need to let my brain refresh a bit though, so I think I will do that on Sunday after I’ve recovered some of my mental capacity.  Sleep is so not overrated.

Kangaroo in a kangazoo

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , , ,

kangaroo hopping from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

kangaroos eating, sleeping, sitting from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Inclement weather

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , , , ,

December 29th, 10 PM. My dad and have been waiting at JFK for two hours, wondering if we can get on the last flight to LA that night. The recent blizzard that swept through the area left many passengers stuck in the airport for days. Thankfully, we were lucky enough to get seats so I wouldn’t have to spend my birthday in the airport!

stations in jfk airport equipped with ipads to play games on

JFK has a lounge sort of area with lots of iPads for people to play games on. Pretty nifty.

cot sits on ground in jfk for travelers who need a place to sleep

With tons of people stranded in the airport, there were some cots laid out for people to use.

a huge snow bank at jfk airport after a huge blizzard

The snow was piling a good 10 feet high as they cleared the runways!

snow piling up outside window at jfk airport

It snowed at least two feet right there. I sort of miss this weather.


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Recently Panda pointed me to an article that our friend had shared on Facebook and it got us thinking about and discussing parenting.  The article, by Amy Chua, outlines her personal view and experiences of parenting the Chinese way – very strict and disciplined.  While it’s true that the tough love style of parenting that most first generation Chinese-Americans mothers employ can be extremely effective in producing children accomplished in school, particularly math, and proficient in at least one instrument, I don’t see it as an East-West divide.

Rather, I see it as a disciplined vs. not.  In a high-class neighborhood, you will find children of any ethnicity taking music lessons, sports lessons, getting tutored, etc. during their “free time.”  You’ll find parents who enforce a strict schedule and push their children to excel in each thing they learn.  Granted, Eastern and Western styles are still different, but I don’t think it’s so much the yelling and threatening and extreme rules that make Asian parenting styles any more effective.  I feel it really comes down to parents creating opportunities for their children to learn more and taking the time and effort to make sure they actually do learn.

What really struck me about this style of “Tiger mother” parenting though was the complete focus on success, success, success.  But really, what is success?  People like to make assumptions about what it is, forgetting that success and happiness do not go hand in hand.  So, that begs the question: what’s more important?  Success or happiness?  Of course ideally you want both, but sometimes they compete with each other.  I don’t see the wisdom in caring only about success, assuming that you must be happy that you are successful and that’s the weakness of the Tiger mom model.

Doggedly pursuing success may bring you a certain amount of satisfaction in your accomplishments, and as Amy wrote, “Once a child starts to excel at something—whether it’s math, piano, pitching or ballet—he or she gets praise, admiration and satisfaction. This builds confidence and makes the once not-fun activity fun. This in turn makes it easier for the parent to get the child to work even more.”  BUT, that just means the child has learned that doing that particular activity well will bring about attention (and possibly rewards).  It may not be the activity that is fun or makes the kid happy, but the associated rewards, whether it be praise or prizes.

I can appreciate the intense sacrifice and commitment of Tiger mothers, but I cannot agree that it is the “superior” way, as Amy claims.  If by superior she merely means the most effective way to breed children at the top of their class (including being first chair violinist), I can definitely see it being a valid argument.  But being superior period is impossible, for this or any other style of parenting.  There is no such thing as the best way to raise a child.  It all depends on what your goals are.  Do you want someone who has a life full of rich experiences?  Do you want someone who excels in school?  Do you want someone who is just plain happy?  For each, there is an entirely different approach to parenting.

Ultimately, this article and the book that it is excerpted from will stir up a lot of talk over parenting, but it will not show people the best way to be a parent.  It’s good that it’ll get people thinking about what is important in raising their own children and how to do it.  But before that even happens, people need to first identify what they want for their progeny, for that will shape their entire approach and just about every decision that is made forthwith.  If you’re like Amy and want star students, you may very well have to become a Tiger mother.

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