This week has been pretty brutal on me mentally. Early on, I got hit with roadblocks and conundrums that had me wracking my brain and trying to troubleshoot multiple issues. Some were pretty complex problems that required much mulling and consulting with others in the office. It didn’t take long to get a headache trying to figure out the best resolutions to these issues. Just when I thought I knew what was going on and had come up with a decent way to fix it, something else would crop up to complicate it all over again. After awhile, my mind was fuzzy and I felt like a cloud had descended throughout my head.
It took many phone calls, emails, and IMs (along with quite a bit of thinking out loud) to eventually get to a place that I felt good about. And that process lasted a good 2-3 days, finally letting up a bit today. I feel much more relieved now and I can’t wait until the weekend – all the better that it’s a long one! Usually the weeks go by fast for me, but this one has dragged on as my poor brain took a beating. I’ve broken out all over my face, had restless dream-filled sleep, and sometimes can’t muster up an appetite. Amazing that I could have so much stress with hardly anything to show for it. I guess that’s what’s most frustrating – I spent so much time and effort and came up against so many dead ends that aren’t reflected in the final solution. It’s like all those drafts you go through to write a paper. The final product is clean and well-organized, but hides all the edits, revisions, changes…
I’m looking forward to getting a rest and hopefully a truly restful night of sleep soon.