Health issues

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Wow, this has probably been the longest between posts that I’ve ever had.  Between getting my wisdom teeth removed and getting sick, I haven’t had much energy to get up from the couch.  Ever since the afternoon after the wedding, I had been a bit sniffly – I think because I’m not used to the weather out here.  By the time I decided to bundle up, it was a bit too late and I was already sick.  Things would get better and then I’d fall ill again the next afternoon.

On Tuesday, we tried to go get my wisdom teeth removed, but the x-ray machine at my aunt’s hospital wasn’t working.  By the time we figured out it wasn’t going to work, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon and not much gets done here after 4-5 PM.  We rushed over to a special dentist building but they told us they don’t operate after 3, so we went back the next morning.  I got my top two teeth pulled and was going to return to get one of my bottom ones removed today (Friday), but then I fell sick with a fever Thursday afternoon.  I had barely recovered from my fever Wednesday afternoon, so this time my grandma decided to take me over to my aunt’s for an IV drip.

Apparently my veins are small, so I couldn’t take a heavy flow.  We tried to increase the drip rate, but my wrist and forearm would hurt a bit, so the process took over three hours when it usually would have been closer to two.  When I was done, we went back to my aunt’s to rest for the night.  I woke up a few times feeling overheated and sweaty, so I slept in a little more to get extra rest.  When I was ready to get up, I had a quick breakfast and went back to have one more drip done.  This time I was pretty tired and fell asleep for most of it.  My aunt got me some more medicine to help with my sore throat and runny nose, so I’m doing pretty well now.

Initially we thought my fever was brought on by the strain of getting my teeth pulled, but it seems that I just happened to get sick on the side.  The first day, it was a bit tough to breathe since my gums would leak a little bit of blood here and there and I had phlegm stuck in my throat too.  I wasn’t allowed to spit or lick my gums and my mouth was a bit swollen so I couldn’t close it all the way.  For the first two days, I also wasn’t allowed to brush my teeth or gargle mouthwash, so that felt pretty uncomfortable.  By the second day, I had basically stopped bleeding and was able to chew some things and I’m pretty much all healed now.

All in all it’s been quite a battle all week, not just for me but for my grandparents and aunt, who have had to take care of me.  Earlier in the week, my other aunt and my mom also got sick, so it’s been quite the reunion this time around.  Either we all caught something or we’re just not used to the environment here anymore.

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