Nimble squirrel

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , ,

Click on the pictures to see the squirrel blown up for a better view!

squirrel climbing on wall

I heard a strange clicking/cackling sound outside one day and went out to find this squirrel.

squirrel climbing on wall

It ran all the way around the house until it got to the end of the stucco and had nowhere to go.

squirrel climbing on chimney wall

Eventually it made its way back to the other end of the house and ran up the chimney.

squirrel climbing on chimney wall

At this point, I wondered why it didn't just run off across the roof.

squirrel climbing on chimney wall

Instead it stuck around waiting for me to leave.

squirrel climbing on chimney wall

Quite the acrobat!

squirrel climbing on chimney wall

It was a pretty windy day - check out the wind blowing its tail around.

squirrel climbing on chimney wall

I wonder how long it can last up there...

squirrel climbing on chimney wall

Then it got on the defensive.

squirrel climbing on chimney wall

By this time I got tired of looking up so I laid down for a more comfortable view.

squirrel climbing on chimney wall

Whoa, that is not a flattering picture. After this, I got bored and left the poor thing to its own devices.

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