Origami Etsy

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A couple of weeks ago, I decided I was going to try selling some things on Etsy. I’d wanted to do this ever since I discovered the site, but didn’t know what I could make. Well, I’ve decided to put my origami skills to use and make some jewelry! After much planning and material-searching, I was finally able to make my first products. 🙂 Soon I’ll be setting up shop and hopefully getting some sales. Better pictures to come!

two pairs of star-shaped origami earrings made with red, white, cream, blue, green, brown, and gold japanese design

The simpler ones were my first pair, and then I got a bit creative with the second, adding spirals into the metal.

close-up picture of simple origami star earrings

Getting ready for an Etsy listing!

Climbing trees

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Panda and I got to attend the Hale Koa luau while we were in Waikiki, and as the night got underway, we were entertained by this guy climbing a coconut tree.

First he climbed up:

climbing up coconut tree from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Then he talked about jumping from tree to tree and asked us if we wanted to see:

coconut tree jump from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

And finally he came down while trying not to flash anyone:

climbing down coconut tree from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

This reminds me of a song I learned in 5th grade for select choir…
Mama says no play, this is a work day
Up with the bright sun, get all the work done
If you will help me, climb up the tall tree
Shake the papaya down

Shake them down, shake them down
Climb the tall tree shake them down
Shake them down, shake them down
Shake the papaya down

I love papaya, yes I do
Juicy papaya, yes I do
If you will help me I’ll help you
Shake the papaya down

The pleasure of organization

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , , ,

A few days ago, I decided I had enough with my email.  With over 12,000 unread messages, it was way too overwhelming to handle.  What really tipped it over was the excessive spam messages that had started to make their way into my inbox.  Perhaps my account started to get corrupted after all these years – I’ve had this same address for at least ten years now.  Whatever the reason, with problems running rampant in the legacy account, I decided it was time for a change.

I got a brand new inbox and set my primary email to direct to it (the spam was going to my old Yahoo email, so I figured a new one would help eliminate the issue).  I have an email associated with this domain that I use for just about everything now and that one hasn’t had spam problems.  I then went through some of the newsletters and notification emails I get that I don’t usually have time for.  Some I unsubscribed from and others I directed to the original Yahoo account to help cut down on clutter in the new inbox.

automatic organizer aka otherinbox for yahoo mailI was pretty happy with this fresh start, but then I noticed something in my email account that I had never looked at before: Organizer.  It’s an app that works with my Yahoo account, helping me sort my emails by sender as they come in.  There are folders for categories like Finance, Shopping, and Social Media.  They basically set up a bunch of filters by default, to ensure that my main inbox stays clean.  I can check the other folders at my leisure and move messages around to fit my needs.  Each day, they send a summary email detailing what they filed away, highlighting things like offers and shipping info (if I had any tracking info sent to me).  I don’t really read that and just go through the folders myself, but I can see how it would be handy.

Now I have a refreshingly empty inbox and my daily intake of messages is something I can easily handle.  No more overwhelming feeling, no more dread at picking through the unimportant mail to find what I might actually still want to read.  Granted, I still have that 12k of unread messages waiting for me in the other account, but at least I can tackle that with more confidence when I have some time (and patience).  I put Organizer to work on that one too, so about half the messages got filed away into categories I can look into one at a time.  I’m so happy to be able to breathe a sigh of relief at this organizational nightmare!  We’ll see how many more years it takes before things pile up too much again…

Potent remover

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So I recently discovered that acetone sort of melts plastic… this box started to get disintegrated by some leaked nail polish remover – yikes!

plastic container melted by nail polish remover

Breath of fresh air

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Out off the coast of Oahu, we got to enjoy a ride on the ocean before hopping in for some snorkeling! At this location, there were a bunch of sea turtles hanging out and just as we arrived, we saw this guy coming up for air. I was basically within arms reach of another one when it came up for air later on – soooo cool!

surfacing sea turtle from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Impatient inspiration

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

My tag line for this blog is “when inspiration won’t wait” and really, when does it ever wait?  I’ve found that I tend to do my best work and get the most ideas around 2 in the morning.  This is most unfortunate for my attempts at sleeping a “normal” schedule – instead I find myself furiously working away until 4 or 5, at which point I realize it is horribly late/early and I really should rest.  In fact, this blog post is being written at 2 am because I can’t sleep and there are just too many ideas bouncing around in my head.  Too bad I can’t hold off on my inspirational ideas and make them fit my desired schedule!

Initially I was hopeful for an earlier night when I got tired at 12:30.  Immediately, I put my things away and laid down in bed.  Unfortunately it seems that by that time the fleeting yawning had passed and I was alert again.  So, here I am typing out a blog post as most of the country snoozes away, unaware of my woes.  I remember in my childhood, I always thought falling asleep was a difficult thing because I’d lay in bed for an hour each night trying to doze.  As I got into high school, it became apparent that I just wasn’t tired enough before; sleep was actually easy to achieve when I laid down at night, probably because I rarely got enough.  I’ve learned that I need to tire myself out before I can fall asleep, so I don’t usually bother trying to sleep until I’m ready.  If I do, I end up tossing and turning (and thinking) for at least an hour before my mind can settle.

I guess when it’s dark and there’s nothing to look at or listen to, thoughts come easier.  This is why I like to keep a notepad by my bedside – you never know when a great idea will hit just as you’re drifting off to la la land.  I like to be able to capture it on paper before it slips away and becomes one of those “what was that great idea I had?” moments.  Hopefully now that this is all out, I can clear my mind enough to get to sleep now.

Summertime in the east

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It’s hot out in the eastern part of the states! With summer in full force, we went to enjoy the neighborhood…

synthetic ice cubes

At the clubhouse, iced tea is offered with these funny plastic ice cubes keeping it cool.

cluster of female ducks hanging out by edge of pond

The girl ducks were out tanning in the sun.

dragonfly takes a break on plants by edge of pond

Even this dragonfly needed to take a break in the heat.

Lingshan optical illusion

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , ,

Back when I just return from China early in the year, I mentioned the auditorium at Lingshan. While visiting the site of a huge Siddhartha statue, we watched a show in this massive room. It’s hard to believe, but each row has the same number of “petals” and each each petal is the same exact size! Looking up, it definitely looked like it tapered off, but this was designed to fool you…

rainbow lights at lingshan auditorium from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

Foodie identity

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , , ,

Ever since this term “foodie” entered my vocabulary, I’d wondered about it.  I saw the people who loved to go out and eat at nice places, with small portions and beautiful presentation styles and weird ingredients.  You know, those who get dubbed experts in this and that and usually end up becoming food critics, whether professionally or as a hobby.  There were food shows abound, from the traditional cooking shows to the reality/competition shows.  I’d watch as they consumed all manner of things that I was not interested in trying, and wonder if that’s what made a foodie.  You’d eat just about anything so you wouldn’t miss out on the amazing variety available.  Oh, and of course everyone was a sucker for a wine or cheese tasting.

Then “foodie” things on the internet caught my attention, like Yelp and Foodspotting.  So then I thought, “Ok, maybe being a foodie means you try all kinds of places and review them and/or post up pictures (preferably artistic) of the food you ate.”  Maybe foodies were a middle-class food critic of sorts.  Sometimes hitting the high-end places, but usually going to accessible restaurants and reflecting on the taste of the dishes ordered and the level of service provided.  Or maybe it’s the people who almost seem to enjoy turning an image of the food into artwork more than eating the food itself.  Oh!  OR, could it be that it was those people who would find that one gem in the strangest of places, that has the best [fill in food type] in the area.

Yeah, I was pretty confused by this so-called identity of being a foodie, since I love food, eat a lot of it, and have a pretty diverse palette.  But I just didn’t connect with what it seemed “being a foodie” entailed.  My friends would probably consider me to be a foodie, but what does it really mean?  I never really cared for being like those other people – the ones who paired wines with their meals and got dishes barely big enough for one bite.  I also didn’t feel like the type to sit around over-analyzing the food or turn it into a creative thing.  Was a a different class of foodie?  Was I even in the category of foodie?

So, I decided it was time to look it up.  Unfortunately, much like the term “hipster,” I’m still struggling to really grasp what people mean by the term.  On Wikipedia, I found a helpful blurb to let me know that the fancy schmancy people I was thinking of are considered “gourmets.”  At least I can rule out my first impression of what foodie could mean.

“…foodies differ from gourmets in that gourmets are epicures of refined taste, whereas foodies are amateurs who simply love food for consumption, study, preparation, and news…”  ~Wikipedia

I am an amateur and I love food for consumption.  However, I don’t really study it or prepare it, or study the preparation of it.  Apparently foodies can really get into restaurant openings, cooking classes, and (surprise) wine tastings or beer samplings.  I’m not really into those things, though I would consider trying them at some point.  You know what, I’ve figured it out.  I’m just a plain old food lover.  I don’t get crazy about the details of food; I basically like to enjoy tastes.  Still, I like sites like Yelp and Foodspotting, since they allow me to discover great places to eat at, so maybe there’s a little foodie in me.

A Dole anole

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , , ,

green anole lizard at dole plantation in hawaii

At the Dole Plantation, we spotted this little green lizard (an anole, I believe).

green anole lizard at dole plantation in hawaii starting to turn brown

It froze on this leaf and I got distracted by a rooster, only to look back and find...

green anole lizard at dole plantation in hawaii after turning brown

...it turned brown on me! Ah I wish I had noticed/caught it, but I had no idea it could morph like that.

In retrospect, I can see that it was already starting to turn brown in the middle picture. Alas, I figured it was just a green lizard so I never thought to watch it so closely.

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