Impatient inspiration

laelene Posted in general blog,Tags: , ,

My tag line for this blog is “when inspiration won’t wait” and really, when does it ever wait?  I’ve found that I tend to do my best work and get the most ideas around 2 in the morning.  This is most unfortunate for my attempts at sleeping a “normal” schedule – instead I find myself furiously working away until 4 or 5, at which point I realize it is horribly late/early and I really should rest.  In fact, this blog post is being written at 2 am because I can’t sleep and there are just too many ideas bouncing around in my head.  Too bad I can’t hold off on my inspirational ideas and make them fit my desired schedule!

Initially I was hopeful for an earlier night when I got tired at 12:30.  Immediately, I put my things away and laid down in bed.  Unfortunately it seems that by that time the fleeting yawning had passed and I was alert again.  So, here I am typing out a blog post as most of the country snoozes away, unaware of my woes.  I remember in my childhood, I always thought falling asleep was a difficult thing because I’d lay in bed for an hour each night trying to doze.  As I got into high school, it became apparent that I just wasn’t tired enough before; sleep was actually easy to achieve when I laid down at night, probably because I rarely got enough.  I’ve learned that I need to tire myself out before I can fall asleep, so I don’t usually bother trying to sleep until I’m ready.  If I do, I end up tossing and turning (and thinking) for at least an hour before my mind can settle.

I guess when it’s dark and there’s nothing to look at or listen to, thoughts come easier.  This is why I like to keep a notepad by my bedside – you never know when a great idea will hit just as you’re drifting off to la la land.  I like to be able to capture it on paper before it slips away and becomes one of those “what was that great idea I had?” moments.  Hopefully now that this is all out, I can clear my mind enough to get to sleep now.

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