Rude awakening

laelene Posted in video blog,Tags: , , ,

I mean it literally. Panda and I were awoken at 5 AM the second morning in Hawaii to this horrible sound. It was loud, blaring, and sounded vaguely like a dying animal when I first woke up. After awhile, we realized it was coming from outside – waaaay outside. Like who knows how many miles away kind of outside. I was reminded of when I was a kid in Topeka and we’d have tornado drills with an alarm much like this one, so we were able to figure out it was probably some sort of warning system. We then turned on the TV to the local news just in time to catch them talking about the siren and how it was malfunctioning. I was pretty baffled as to how it could be set off half a dozen times before it was fixed, but at least we didn’t have any natural disasters to worry about. I think it finally stopped about 40 minutes later and we were able to get back to sleep. Thank goodness!

tsunami false alarm from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

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