Cat crime

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two cats both looking up at window high up

Yesterday I came downstairs to find both my cats staring intently up at the living room window that’s near the roof.

injured hummingbird resting on window ledge

It turns out that what I thought was a large moth was actually a hummingbird that one of them had caught. It found refuge on the window ledge.

missy the cat who brought in the hummingbird

There’s the guilty party who caught that hummingbird and brought it in.

bunch of hummingbird feathers strewn on the floor

This is the “crime scene,” where Missy probably wrestled with that hummingbird and it managed to fly away.

two hummingbird feathers in the palm of my hand to show scale

Here are two of the feathers so you can see how dainty they are. Unfortunately I had to leave for the day and by the time I came back, I found that the hummingbird must have tried to escape again only to get caught. 🙁

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