Ostriches & earthquakes

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , ,

What do they have in common? Find out for yourself at the California Academy of Sciences Earthquake Exhibit!

i happily stand by the fence as baby ostriches eat in the background at the california academy of sciences

I totally went to the CA Academy of Sciences just to see these baby ostriches. So cute!!

lady feeds baby ostriches at the california academy of sciences

A lady walked around and fed the chicks. (Are baby ostriches called chicks?)

baby ostrich steps in food bowl at the california academy of sciences

One of the babies was a klutz and kept knocking over the food bowl!

both these baby ostriches managed to claim a bowl to themselves at the california academy of sciences

This is what I call “parallel eating” – maybe “parallel parked eating” is more appropriate?

baby ostriches all run from one end of the enclosure to the other at the california academy of sciences

For some reason it seemed they had to run from one end to the other – walking was not an option!

cluster of baby ostriches right against the fence at the california academy of sciences

They got up so close to the fence but I couldn’t touch them! Sad. 🙁

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