A little while ago, PureWow held a “pin it to win it” contest on Pinterest, where a random follower who pinned his/her favorite picture of the 10 finalists in the “Ultimate Summer Day” competition would also get to win a set of tea party-ready gear! I, being the eager gal I am, pinned one that I enjoyed, crossed my fingers, and went on my merry way. Then one day, I got an email saying that I had won!! How thrilling. 🙂

I got a wonderful (and huge) surprise at my door! I quickly set about peeling away the layers of packaging inside…
Included in the set were 8 goblets (or stemless glasses to be more accurate), a pack of 25 orange striped paper straws, a jumbo ice tray (makes 2-oz cubes!), a tray with handles, two stir rods/muddlers (hehe what a funny name), and my personal favorite – a gorgeous pitcher! I’m just waiting for the Pure Leaf tea to ship to me and then I can have the ultimate (iced) tea party! I can hardly wait – I feel like this is straight out of a Home & Garden magazine picture or something. 😛