Squirrel sightings

laelene Posted in photo blog,Tags: , , , , ,

One day, not long after Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy brought two windy, rainy days to our area, I was out walking and came across no less than 8 squirrels when normally I would have seen one or two.  They must have been hungry after the storm, because they were ALL eating (or scavenging for food).  Here are just a few I managed to capture on film (or so to speak)…

squirrel perched precariously high up on tree branch

Yes, that little glob is a squirrel all the way up there!

zoomed in on squirrel perched precariously high up on tree branch

Here’s a zoomed in shot of that squirrel, nibbling on a snack as the branch swayed in the wind.

squirrel with high arched back digging into ground

This squirrel was doing some serious damage and really got into it.

collage of squirrels in tree and foraging on ground

I even put together a collage of some of the squirrels I came across.

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