I can’t seem to find a “perfect” spot for my desk. Today’s the third time I’ve moved it in the past few months and I’m still not fully satisfied. I think what I really need is a swinging desk that can rotate 90 degrees from an L shape to an I shape. I’d like to sit at the desk and have the wall/window on one side, the bed on another, and the desk filling in the other two. So far I’ve tried it parallel to my bed, perpendicular to it, and at two random angles. Triangles don’t seem to work since I can’t get out and keeping everything at 90 angles to each other leaves one side gaping. I suppose I could use the back of my chair as the fourth side, but I like having my back somewhat against the wall.
I’ve always liked cozy corners and being tucked in tight, but I still need to be able to get out of my chair without having to climb around furniture like a monkey. It’s definitely a challenge with conventional furniture that assumes people like having their space. It also seems to be assumed that furniture shouldn’t be easy to move. Why is that? I am constantly rearranging my furniture, wishing that they were designed to be more mobile. After all, a single change in your furniture arrangement can greatly change the look and feel of a room, so it’s like moving without ever leaving! I think it’s good to exercise change periodically. It’s amazing the new perspectives you achieve!
I’ve actually conceived of a variety of alternative furniture ideas that I’d really like to see become a reality someday, if only for myself. We as people are mobile and flexible, so why shouldn’t our furniture be more so? Sure, we’ve got lazy boys that protract and retract, but what else? Surely someone can design a desk that can change just as easily. Alas, until then, I will probably have to continue exploring creative ways to try to achieve that effect with the stubborn bulky furniture that currently exists.