When you’re stuck on a plane for hours, sometimes you do what you can with what you have. I happened to have some ribbon…
Ribbon braiding
365great Day 16: massage oils
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I was always concerned about being too greasy after applying oil – I mean, some lotions are already greasy enough! However, after getting some oils in my Yuzen boxes, I figured I had to at least give them a chance. I started by applying them after showering, when my skin was most susceptible to drying out soon after. I was pretty surprised at how well they absorbed – a little goes a long way with these! As long as you don’t pour out too much and rub it all in, there’s no greasy residue or “oil marks” at all, so that’s great.
Plus – and maybe it’s just me – they smell soooo good! Perhaps it’s because of the gentle way that they let our their scents, but I prefer how oils smell to most lotions (which are usually too strong). And you can’t help but feel pampered when you oil up, even if you’re applying it yourself. If you’re lucky, get someone else to help you out and give you a massage in the process. 🙂 What a great way to relax, treat yourself, and be good to your skin.