Been away all day! I had a grand old time at Gogobot West LA’s Spring Break Bus Party extravaganza. Check out what we did!

We met up at 11 to start the day at Lemonade in Venice.

Gogobear always comes along for the fun!

We went inside right as they opened and took over the back room.

We each got a little gift! The girls got leggings, those snap-on wristbands that everyone loved as a kid, and a friendship bracelet. The guys got fun ties and bowties.

Time to eat! We got a choice of about 20 different sides. I got the yummy soba on the right!

It was a tough choice, but this is what I ended up with (though I made two friends and the three of us swapped dishes to try more variety.)

Time to gear up with the theme of thrift shop wear! The little gifts they gave us came in quite handy and I used all three.

After lunch, there was time to stroll around Venice and we came across this shaggy dog.

By 1:15, it was time to meet up for our bus tour! The tree we were waiting by had these fun fuzzy leaves.

Our ride, the Rastabus, has arrived! Let the party begin. 🙂

Tons of random fun weird costumes. Love it! Nearly ready to load the bus…

Bright, colorful, and pumping with music! Now this is a cool party bus!

I meet a new friend and he shares his crazy fun ‘stache glasses with me. 🙂

We arrive at the California Science Center and people stare as oddly-dressed people come piling out of this festive bus.

Whee, I have some fun with a jumping shot on the stairs before we head in!

What a pretty entrance to this place.

This is my first time here! We all take the escalators up to the line to view the Endeavour.

We go admire the Endeavour space shuttle, which only recently made its home here at the California Science Center.

The bottom/back of the shuttle is composed of tons of little tiles.

As we head out, the Good Year blimp makes an appearance.

There’s a cool section of the wall that is holographic and the images “move” as you walk by.

Back to the Rastabus for our next adventure!

Next stop, the LA Brewery Art Walk! We checked out a loft with a nice view of downtown LA (which, coincidentally, is where some of my friends live).

I got caught up in conversations at the loft until it was nearly time to go, but managed to join two others in a quick visit to this Altervision 3D Blacklight Experience!

I try to take a selfie inside but it’s hard to see! Now only is it dark, but I’ve got on 3D glasses and it’s disorienting.

Just some of the amazing artwork inside. They had a bunch of cool rooms to explore!

Before getting back on the bus, I am treated to a wonderfully lopsided ice cream cone.

And our last stop, Griffith Observatory, where we chilled and enjoyed the scenery. Gogobear gets some love too.
After this, my phone died! We had some fun checking out the view, then headed back to our original meeting point and most people went their own ways. A few of us decided to meet up for dinner and spent some extra time together before parting ways. I got back just before 11 pm, after a very full day of activities! Good times. 🙂