365great Day 78: purses/clutches

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365great challenge day 78: purses/clutchesSmall purses or clutches are a great way to bring along some basic things on the go without going overboard. They’re also super cute and great for mini storage needs, like a First Aid kit or using as a handy place to stuff things in your car. They make perfect makeup or toiletry bags at home or something to keep your keys, money, phone, etc. in one place when going out. Oh, and of course you could always coordinate it with your outfit to become a part of the ensemble, whether it gives things an extra pop or just blends in with your clothing. I find them to be super handy and I enjoying having a couple to switch between based on my mood. They’re sleek yet cute, making them great for many occasions.

Traffic gaps & freeway weaving

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Have you ever been driving down the freeway when it’s not too crowded and traffic is just rushing on by when suddenly you find yourself alone? There’s a cluster of lights up ahead maybe a mile or so and another behind you about the same distance away. I love it when I get in a situation like that – I’m away from the crowds and it’s just me and the road (until either I catch up to the cluster in front or get bombarded by the cluster behind).

It’s times like that that I want to weave back and forth like those highway patrol vehicles that do so to slow down traffic. I was actually caught behind one of those for a few miles recently and we even ended up at a dead stop for awhile (see videos below). Maybe there was debris on the road that needed to be cleared? I couldn’t tell because I was about 5 cars behind and there were too many red lights in my way to see. Luckily, it wasn’t like that one time I got stuck for two hours on the 405. This barely lasted three minutes and we were on our way again, rushing off into empty expanse ahead.

I wonder if you’re ever allowed to ride along when the highway patrol is doing that, because I’ve always wanted to. I mean, when else do you get to weave back and forth on the freeway without getting in trouble? And it’s gotta be fun to see all traffic yielding to you, crawling along as they wait to see if you’re bringing them to a stop or just slowing down the speed of traffic. Then when you’re done with your task, you turn off your flashing lights and race off to the next thing as the cars behind finally get to continue on their way.

highway patrol slowing traffic from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

stopped on freeway from Mary Qin on Vimeo.

365great Day 77: dolphins

laelene Posted in 365great,Tags: , , , , , , , ,

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365great challenge day 77: dolphinsDolphins are amazing creatures! They are so smart, so cute, so friendly, and just wonderful. They’ve got personality too! I remember when I met Squirt in Singapore and he would pose beautifully for the women, but then not cooperate when it came to men! He was cool with his trainers, but not a fan of strange men. Totally hilarious. Then there were the bottlenose dolphins in the waters of Hawaii, that came up to our boat and swam with us, always matching our speed, whether we were racing with the wind or just floating. They made it clear they were here to say “hi” and play around and it was so cool. They must have hung around for a good half hour before going on their way. It was perfect, though I’d really love to swim with dolphins sometime. That would be so great!!

Book recap: The Zappos Experience

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Ever since I graduated college, I’ve been trying to get back into reading. I was doing pretty well in Singapore since there were a bunch of books at the office and I was pretty inwardly focused for a bit. I’ve only managed a book every month or two, but I’m still chugging along the best I can. I often take a bunch of random notes about things I want to remember and then of course it either a) doesn’t make sense when I look back or b) is rather illegible so I can’t figure out what I wrote. Sooo I figure, why not put it all together into something a little more coherent?

the zappos experience book

Photo credit: Michelli website

The Zappos Experience is authored by Dr. Joseph Michelli, who analyzes great organizations and breaks down what they do to be successful into a blueprint for how you can adopt those strategies for your own organization’s success. He spends time within these organizations and interviews a ton of people from all departments and levels to gain his insights. I’ve actually read all his books so far and each has been useful in thinking about what behaviors create a good environment for great work to be done consistently. Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, actually wrote a book of his own (Delivering Happiness) and I think he puts it very well in his foreword for The Zappos Experience: Delivering Happiness shares the why of your business while The Zappos Experience share the how. For that reason, I think you should read Delivering Happiness first, if you haven’t already. Oh, and if you have no idea what Zappos is… you might want to read Delivering Happiness.

What I got out of The Zappos Experience is that culture is vital. You tap into people’s feelings, get them invested in the company, and have a set of rituals to engage them. By creating a vibrant culture filled with coworker interactions, celebrations, and discussions, you offer something that everyone can connect with. Zappos refuses to hire those who do not fit into their company culture. They carefully evaluate the fit of the person throughout the interview and training process and even offer new hires something like $1000 to leave if they don’t feel like Zappos is home. I think a lot more companies should put more emphasis on their culture because when you do that, the entire company feels more like a unit and it lessens the potential for drama.

Another important thing you can do is investing in your people. This could be anything from offering a library of books that they can borrow from the office to sending them on training programs. When you care about your people, you should care about their development, both personal and professional. Taking care of them not only builds loyalty, but it prepares them to continue to take on greater roles. Sure, some people might take advantage of this to get the most out of it and bail, but the majority of people will really appreciate being appreciated.

Finally, I really like the idea of rituals, whether daily, weekly, monthly, or otherwise. Rituals in this sense create a predictable pattern that everyone can expect. For example, I’m sure most companies have weekly meetings, maybe even a monthly retreat. This can also cover the way you celebrate – maybe you make it a habit of having a small party whenever it’s someone’s birthday, or taking a new hire out to lunch to socialize with the team, or throwing a nighttime soiree when there’s a holiday coming up. Whatever you choose to do, I think being consistent is key. You don’t want someone left out and feeling less important! Beyond celebrations, there are the day-to-day rituals that set a tone for how work can get done as well. I was in a hair salon in China when they gathered for their morning pep talk, which included a shared chant and opportunity to point out someone who had done a great job the day before. This quick meet-up doesn’t take long, but it can start off everyone’s day on a better note and offer a chance to discuss things.

Oh and one side note that’s kind of its own topic: customer service is basically problem-solving. So if you’re the type who likes to resolve issues, a customer service-focused role might be good. Customers come to you with a problem, whether something went wrong or they just have a question. You have your own database of information and knowledge to tap into, a certain amount of resources and capabilities, and you use those to help match up what the customer wants with what you can offer. It’s often a compromise, but with some creativity, you can solve a problem in an unexpected but delightful way. Zappos is great at doing that (and even delighting when customers don’t have a problem). I love it when a company goes above and beyond to delight me and I think that sort of service really takes things to another level!

For those of you looking for ways to improve how your business (or even your life) is run, you’ll find some really great tips and thought-provoking questions in this book that will get you well on the way to a more engaged, inspired, connected experience.

365great Day 76: solid lotion

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Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 76 solid lotionMuch like solid shampoo, solid lotion is this fabulous thing that I hadn’t heard of until a few years ago. Was it around longer than that or have I just been clueless? I love how you don’t have to worry about it getting everywhere or creating problems when you’re trying to get through airport security. Plus, there’s something so rewarding about letting it melt against the heat of your skin – it feels rather luxurious. Part of it is probably due to the slowing down you need to do to really get the most out of it. After all, it takes time to let it melt and rub it in. And who wouldn’t love a cool-shaped bar like this one? For the longest time I didn’t dare use it except from the bottom because I didn’t want to mess up the flower. I’ve had similar experiences with all my other ones, which have been shaped like a strawberry and hearts and leaves. Too cute! You should really try them sometime; they’re great!

Gogobot 500 Days of Summer

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In celebration of reaching 500 members in Gogobot’s West LA Facebook group, the lovely community manager and her interns put together a party that also featured the premiere of the Gogobus Thrift Shop music video that we filmed at the Gogobus Stop Spring Break Party. Of course I had to be there! We took over the outdoor patio at the back of Rush Street in Culver City. It was nice to see some familiar faces from the last event and also get a chance to meet some new ones.

Stay tuned for an update to the music video when it’s posted! [Update: it’s up!! GO WATCH IT (and like please) – I’ve also embedded it below. Enjoy! :)]

rush street in culver city

Approaching the venue.

gogobot 500 days of summer venue

Love the outdoor patio!

gogobot event check in goodies

Upon checking in, you were given a cute beach ball stress ball, some bubbles, and a greeting card and postcard. Photo credit: Steven Lam

gogobot free stuff on tables

Free swag was strewn across the tables. 🙂 Photo credit: Steven Lam

rush street food including pizza, sweet potato fries, and mac & cheese

Quite a delicious spread! Photo credit: Steven Lam

rush street mac & cheese

Perfectly cooked.

cupcakes with blue frosting 500 sign

And of course there was dessert. Some people already snagged a few before I could get a shot.

grabbing cupcakes

I wanted a chocolate one and this looked right but it turned out to be vanilla, lol.

gogobus music video premiere

The Gogobus music video premiere! Photo credit: Gogobot West LA Community Manager Audrey Lo

gogobus music video awards

The awards for the music video! Photo credit: Gogobot West LA Community Manager Audrey Lo

365great Day 75: screen cleaners

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Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 75: screen cleanersI just had to highlight these fun little things after getting some at the Gogobot West LA event tonight. They’re sticky little patches that you can adhere to any non-porous surface (like the back of your smartphone), then peel off whenever your screens need some cleaning! Aren’t they just adorable?! What a great way to not only add some flair to your device, but also have a cleaning cloth with you at all times. Never fear those grease marks or fingerprints again! These are great not just for smartphones, but cameras, glasses (and sunglasses), and really any glass or plastic surface that you may want to keep sparkling. When they get dirty, you can just wash with a little soap and water, let it dry, and you’re good as new! That’s pretty great.

Blissmobox: 4 PM Snacks

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Still playing catch-up with my reviews… this is the Nov box and I chose the 4 PM Snacks one because I’d gotten plenty of beauty products through Yuzen and I wanted more snacks.

blissmobox is just under $25 per month with shipping (or as discounted as just under $120 for 6 months) and comes with eco-friendly products in themes like beauty, snacks, home, pets, and more. Each month you choose from two or three themes, or skip if none of them appeal to you. They do not offer a referral program.

the choices for november's blissmobox: body bliss, 4pm snacks, or pantry picks

The three choices for the November blissmobox.

I opened it at night so forgive me for any weird lighting.

opened blissmobox november 2012 with information card

collage of cinnamon crunch somersaultsSomersault Snack Co.Cinnamon Crunch Somersaults – I’ve tried a bunch of these ever since I was first introduced to them by my friend’s mom a few years back. I don’t know what it is, but I’m just not a fan. Maybe it’s because they are so dense and crunchy that I barely get two bites before I swallow. Maybe it’s just because I’m not that into nuts. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but part of it is definitely because the taste is not quite what I like. I’ve tried sweet ones and salty ones and they’re just not my thing.

collage of nature's bakery whole wheat raspberry fig barNature’s Bakery, Whole Wheat Raspberry Fig Bar – These would make a great snack in the afternoon. They are just packed with goodness and they taste quite good. A very healthy alternative to whatever snack you might have picked up instead. I don’t think you could eat the entire pack of two in one sitting – I found that just half was enough to tide me over for quite awhile. Since I don’t eat energy bars, I think this would be the perfect product to eat to get a similar effect.

collage of scharffen berger bittersweet fine artisan dark chocolate barScharffen Berger, 70% Cacao Bittersweet Fine Artisan Dark Chocolate bar – I love dark chocolate and this bar was no exception. It was very… sturdy? Haha basically it took a little extra to break it, but I think that’s exactly why it was so smooth and delicious. I have a feeling this is less likely to melt than a lot of other chocolate bars out there, but I have no idea why. Another great treat to have lying around.

collage of numi pu erh mini sampler teasNumi Organic Teapu erh mini sampler – Pu erh tea is something of an acquired taste and while I didn’t find these too strong, they were a bit too fermented for me. This sampler set includes Chocolate, Emperor’s, Jasmine, Basil Mint, Cardamom and Ginger Pu·erhs. I haven’t tried all the flavors (I’m a bit hesitant about chocolate and tea in one drink) but the ones I did try are decent. I wouldn’t go running out to buy them, but I will definitely drink them. Who knows, maybe I’ll develop a taste for pu erh!

collage of honey republic raw wildflower organic honey jarHoney Republic, Organic Raw Wildflower Honey – Wow! What a large jar of honey. The consistency of this brand is less gooey than others I’ve tried, which can be nice when you don’t want to wait ages for the honey to crawl out of the top. The taste is subtly flowery or herby or… something. I can’t quite place it, but it definitely has a little extra beyond regular honey and it’s quite nice. I had no idea Honey Republic made so many other flavors too and I’d love to try the Green Tea with Honey and Lemon flavor! For now I’m working on using up this jar, which will last me a very long time.

collage of pamela's products chocolate brownie mix bag pouchPamela’s Products, Chocolate Brownie Mix – These are gluten-free and non-dairy! I must admit I actually haven’t tried them yet, but I swear I will. I wonder if the flavor would be less rich because there is no dairy. I’ve never tried making microwave brownies before so this would be a great thing to try since I’ve been curious about those “brownie in a mug” things.

If you’d like more info on these brands, you can click below to enlarge the photo and read more.

blissmobox 4pm snacks info sheet


365great Day 74: bite-size

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Learn more about 365great here.

365great challenge day 74: bite sizeIt’s so nice when food is in pre-portioned bite-size morsels so you can just pop them in your mouth and enjoy. I remember getting the Hershey’s cookies’n’creme bars when I was younger, then breaking it off piece by piece to eat. Then I discovered these amazing drops that are even more fun to eat! I like most of my foods in small pieces I can just pop in my mouth, which is probably why I enjoy dumplings and chips/crackers and appetizers. Of course, this convenience isn’t always good and it’s far too easy to overeat this way, but boy is it nice. Perhaps this also satisfies my preference for things in mini. 🙂 Give me something in bite-size form any day!


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fsot for sale or trade bannerI just wanted to make a quick note that I’ve added a new page on my site, called For Sale or Trade, where I’m listing the various things I have up for trade or sale. I’ve seen a ton of these “trade list” sort of things on the Makeuptalk forum and I will be posting there, but I wanted to host one on my own site as well. If you want to acquire some stuff and help me cross some things off my wishlist, do take a look! A lot of it is skincare-related but there are all kinds of random items like iPhone cases, water bottles, gift cards, socks, etc. I’m still working on getting photos up so keep checking back. If you’re interested in anything, just contact me and I’ll send you the appropriate pictures!

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